Announcement . The T., A. A. & N. M. Ry. announee that on Aug. 25th, September 15th and 29th, 1891, they will sell Harvest Excursión Tickets to all points south, west, and southwest at one fare for round trip in Central Traffic Association, added to one and oue-third fare for points beyond. Througk tickets issued here. E. S. Geeenwood, Agt. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. NOTICE.- Af ter the 24th inst. I shall run my Cider Mlll everyTuesday and Friday, uutil apples are more pleutif ui. Apples for jelly can be brought any day. Patrong will pleaae keep sweet apples separate. Cash paid for eider apples. George Aprill. 60-62 WANTED.- A girl í'or general housework. Appi' at the Two Sams. S. S. Blitz. U OITSE TO RENT- Seven rooms, at reasonA-l able ratee, 22 North Ashley street. Apply on premises. Charles Dietas. 60-62. POR SALË- Five acres on West Huronstreet". ■■ Good house, barn, orchard. Beautiful location. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davis, West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 60-02. WANTED- A girl to do general housework. Apply at the Argus office. WANTED- A boy who desires to learn the ' prmter's trade. Must be able to read writing and spell correctly. Apply at Argus 1YT P IV Wilnted ; salary and expenses Per1M lJ-i manent place. Apolv at once BROWN BROS. CO., Nurserynie'n, Chicago 57-65 FOR SALE.- Farm of forty acres at WhitmoreLake, Mich. Good house. Fire minutes' walk trom hotels and post-office Excellent soil. Apply to Walter L. Taylor, 90 Uroadway, Ann Arbor, Mich. 59-tf Large House for Reut.- Inquire of Mrs A ■■■ Eisele, 12 Catherine street. Aun Arbor Mico68-60. FOK RENT- Two commodious pleasant tiats, with six rooms each in New Bloek on State 6treet. Enquire at No. 18 South State street. 66-tf._ 4 NN ARBOR NURSERY-Fruit and ornaf- mental trees. Peach and pear a peeialty. Grape yines, berry plants, etc. Prfee low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. ÜOR SALE AT A The North-■- weetquarterof the Southwest quarter of Section 16 in the Township of York, about four miles trom Saline village. A good house and small Dam on the premises, known as the Wesley Ouderkirk farm. For terms apply to No. 6, N. Main street, Ann Arbor. ; 45 tf. POK SALE.- A family horse, sound, gentle, ■- and in every way desirable for ladies' use. Inquire at Stark & Gartee's paint shop, 28 E Washington t. 55tf Special Sale í OF Advanced Styles in New Fall DRESS GOOPS AND f fifiaitg) ia jlick, {stag ti filíelas -UB FIRST I HE MDWith New Fall Goods. Our Dress Goods stock shows Novelties not seen in other stores. Such as Camel's Hair Chevoits, Snowflakes, India Suitmgs, Bedford Cords, Tweeds.Broadcloths. Cable Twills, French and Enghsh Novelties, and other Rough Effects' which are so stylish this fall. Rich European Dresses, each and j every one a beauty to look at. ,. I As a Special Bargain, and to give ourDress Gootls Department a Big Boom, we oífer 75 Stylisli Dress Patterns at $3.97, a snit worth $5.OO. 48 pieces New Fall Dress Goods ín Rough Effects at 50c a yard. One case 36 in. Fancy Serges at 15c a yard. 65 pieces New Black Goods at 50c and 75c a yard I5OO Yards all Silk Surah in Black and Colors at 25 c a yard. IS pieces Coin Dot Curtoin Scrim at 5c a yard. 35 pieces dark 10c Outing Flannel at 6c a yard. 25 pieces White Shaker Flannel at 5c a yard . 100 yds of Spool Silk at 5c a spool . Best Quality Knitting Silk at 35c a ball. One case Dark Prints 3c a yard. 50 pieces Wide Twill Towelling at 4c a yard. Yard wide Bleached Cotton at 5c a yard. Big lot Lace Curtains at 59c a pair. All of which we invite tnspection. Sciiairer & uilen, Leaders of Low Prices and -ALWAYSTHECHEAPEST.,-1
Toledo Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railroad
The Two Sams
For Rent
Ann Arbor Nursery
Stark & Gartee's Paint Shop
Schairer & Millen
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
R. S. Greenwood
George Aprill
S. S. Blitz
Charles Dietas
E. D. Davis
Walter L. Taylor
Mrs. A. Eisele
Jacob Ganzhorn
E. B. Pond
22 N Ashley St
90 Broadway St
12 Catherine St
18 S State St
6 N Main St
28 E Washington St