FREE !- ON Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 7 and 8, with Every Purchase of School Books, Webster's Handy, Reliable DICTIOÏÏARY ! OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WE OPFEE , -híNew and Second Hand SCHOOL BOOKS! HEADQAURTERS FOH ALL SCHOOL STTPPLIES. Ut WILT SAVE 1 MOEI! WE JBUT, SELL, EXCHANGE SECONDHAND SCHOOL BOOKS. GEORGE WAHR Opposite Oourt House, IMT-A-IHST STEEET. FIARM FOR SALE.- The farm known as the Jacob Schweickert farm, beingtheN. of N.E. H, of Sect. 1, T. 31, South of H. 6 E., and the E. 30 acres of S. E. % of N. E. i of said seetion, contalningabout 110 acres in town of ■iorthfleld, Washtenaw county, Mich., about flve miles from Aun Arbor. Will sell for j5 per acre for cash or part on time. Must be sold immediately. Address. Abner Smith Room 630 Opera House Block, Chicago, 111. 56-fil