The Great Fair

The forty-third annual fair of the Washtenaw County Association apened Tuesday and was all it promised to be. It is by all odds the best fair of the series and is well worth a visit, and after viewing all the departments, we can unhesitatingly advise our readers to visit it. As the exhibits were late in being arranged, an account written early enongh to enable our paper to come out a day earlier, that we may distribute sample papers, must necessarily be fragmentary and will not include many exhibitors whose ñames were not on their exhibits. The entries were very large and the force in the secretary's office were kept very busy in making out entry tags. The attendance on Wednesday was larger than usual at that stage of the fair and the outlook for Thursday and Friday was very fine. It is noticeable that there are many more Ann Arbor people than formerly on the grounds. The fair managers wear happy faces and the programme is going off without friction. THE RACES. The races, Wednesday afternoon, were interesting only from the fact that the contests were close, not from any fast time made. The track was slow and a stiff breeze was blowing. One of the novel spectacles which gave thecrowd no end of amusement, was the bucking musang, Texas Jim, who was entered n the 2 :3o race . About every forty ods, the horse would buck and uck, but never losing an inch, and he sight of a bucking horse in a rotting race was a comical one. The races were as follows: There werefiveentries in the race, but Silver Star was drawn before the start. In the first heat Loren won easily, but after that was not able to get better thansecond place. The winner, Levaga, could do nothing in the first heat, passing under the wire last, but the following three heats took in succession, the finish in every heat being close. The score was as follows: THREE MINUTE RACE. Loren, K. Campbell, Dixboro 12 4 2 Albert Wilkes, L. M. Lawrenee, Chelsea 3 3 2 3 Levaga, I. Reynolds. Ann Arbor.. 4 111 Dick, H. Klinsohmit, Whitmore Lake 2 4 3 4 Time 3:12,3:0854, 3:09, 3:10. 2:30 TROTTING RACE. There were three entries in this class, Garfield, the favorite, winning easily in three straight heats, although Caprice crowded him several times, but was unable to pass him. The score was as foilows: 2:30 RACE. Texas Jim, A. Harmon, Saline 3 3 3 Caprice, S. D. Bills, Tecumseh 2 2a Garfield, E. J. Steele. Detroit 111 Time, 2:43'i, 2:43, 2:4Ü. BALLOON ASCENSIÓN. The mammoth balloon which was being filled with hot air in the rear of the grand stand, was the center of attraction for those present Wednesday afternoon. As the immense mass of corded silk began to Ínflate, it swayed back and forth in the strong breeze, trying to free itself from the guy ropes and the score or more of men who were holding it. Prof Bartholomew was everywhere, giving instructions and seeing that everything was in perfect working order. The crowd formed in a circle some little way from the balloon, giving it plenty of room. Inside of this circle were a number of volunteer helpers and one lady. The lady was Miss Girtie Csrmo,who was to make the perilous ascent and the still more perilous drop, but she appeared to take less interest in the affair than anyone else on the ground. Dressed in a suit of red, with short skirt and covered with a rubber cloak, she watched the preparations in a careless sort of way. Everythirig being in readiness, Prof. Bartholomew gave the signal to let go, and the monster balloon rose rapidly, Miss Carmo clinging to a trapeze bar below. As the balloon ascended Miss Carmo gave an exhibition of trapeze performing, which was exciting to say the least. By the side of the balloon hung the parachute, with which she was to return to earth again. She seemed to be in no hurry to come down, however, and sat quietly on the bar of the trapeze as the balloon sailed - _ westerty over the city. Finally, two pistol shots rang out as a signal for Miss Carmo to make her descent, and it appeared to the spectators that it was pretty nearly time, as the aeronaut appeared but a speek hanging below the balloon. In answer to the signal Miss Carmo grasped the bar of the trapeze attached to the parachute and swung off from the balloon. Her weight was sufficient to break the parachute from its fastening and down she dropped, going like a shot for a hundred feet or more until the current of air opened up the parachute. Seated on the bar she gradually descended and landed without mishap near the corner of Main and Packard streets. The balloon being freed of its weight, passed over the city and then came down. The entire ascensión and drop was one of the prettiest ever made, and will be repeated Thursday and Friday afternoons. One of the centers of attraction is the pond of Germán carp exhibited by Russel C. Reeves, of Dexter, around which a crowd could always be found. The carp are big fellows, one weighing sixteen pounds. They are plainly visible and oftentimes leap out of the water. There are all sorts and conditions of people on the grounds. Of course there is It is always there and the couple is utterly oblivious of the grain which surrounds them. But needless to remark no one enjoys the fair so much as they do. And, indeed, they form one of the attractions of the fair, though not entered or advertised as such. Of course there are plenty of cereals shown. The wheat is very fine, and the oats of good quality. The Merry Andrews, shooting targets, and other games are plentiful, while the dancing pavilion is full of happy couples. The Superior Grange Band is furnishing excellent music. The programme for Thursday was issued, as speaking by Governor Winans, good races, balloon ascensión and trapeze performance. While for Friday there will be a military parade, a balloon ascensión, good races and other attractions. In the ladies' race, Miss Belle Hogan rides Spot and Miss Eusebia Walter rides Maud. This will doubtedly prove an attractive race. THE MERCHANTS' DISPLAY. The merchants' display is a good one. Dean & Co. have a fine display of crockery including some new Japanese goods which came wrapped in Japanese papers, one of which the Colonel essayed to read. J. F. Schuh has a very fine display of artistic machine work done on the White machine. M. Staebler has a display of Wheeler & Wilson and its work. The Bazarrette, of Ypsilanti, displays some pretty crockery. Mack & Schmid have two large booths for cloaks and for carpets. Koch & Henne show some fine furniture including an elegant settee. The Ann Arbor Organ Company have a fine musical display. Eberbach's Hardware have a good assortment of Jewel stoves on exhibition. Other exhibitors were not on the grounds in shape, Wednesday morning. A painting of an old door on which hangs a violin, music, etc, is shown in Blake's studio, so lifelike that several tried to piek the violin up. CharlesC. Millerhas three crayon drawings and a painting of a pipe which show considerable artistic skill. THE HORSES. The horse departraent is much better filled than usual and the entries are excellent in character. ■ Eugene Helber, of Saline, shows Lord Wenlock, thecelebrated Cleveland Bay stallion which captured first premium at the state fair. He exhibits also the Emperor of Murfield, three years old, the only sliire horse owned in the county, and a beauty he is. Tee cut below does not bring it all out. He has also a number of fine Cleveland Bay colts. The Finley farm, of Scio, exhibits seventeen head of horses. At the head of them stands Golden Eva, sired by Membrino Patchen, the brother of the celebrated Lady Thorn. Bell Marvin, a promising Continued on fourth page. THE GREAT FAIR. (Conetinned f rom Firs Page). yearling, for which Mr. Finley was offered Í800 when it was a suckling, is also on the grounds. So also is a fine flve-year-old breeding mare, large and rangey, whose half-brother holds the two and three year old Michigan record and two of whose half-brothers made 2.26 and 2.28 on the same day at the Cleveland races. P. Irwin has ten horses entered, sired by Mambrino Golddust, whose sire was Mambrino Gift. Three of them are entered in the class races. He exhibits as fine a four months old colt as can be found in the county. J. E. Penny shows Lothiel, a large Clydesdale stallion. John Mount, of Napoleon, has four trotters on the ground. C. D. Bills, of Tecumseh, goes him one better, having four trotters and one pacer. E. J. Steele, of Detroit, is on hand with the trotter Garfield and W. S. Conklin, of Detroit, exhibits the pacers, Little Fred and Johnnie Miller. C. L. Tuomey has three Wilkes colts, fine ones, sired by Barney Wilkes. Two of them are stallions. Their dam is Jennie M., sired by Morris, he by Lexington. It is needless to remark that the colts give remarkable promise. CATTLE. S. O. Tubbs, of Delhi Mills, has twelve full blooded Galloways, and two grades. They are the well known black hornless cattle. The head of the herd is a large buil which weighs 1,500, so gentle that he allows the boys to ride him. The entire herd was driven from the farm to the fair grounds and the three bulls did not require to be led. Their gentleness seems a marked characteristic of the breed. Mills Bros, have nine head of Holstein Freisians out of their large herd of nearly one hundred. This herd are always premium takers and great milkers. John C. Chalmers of Ann Arbor has a fine herd of Guernsey cattle and one pretty little Jersey. The Shorthorns are well represented and are always favorites as beef cattle. A glance at the will very closely demónstrate the reason why. Galpin's exhibit includes six thoroughbreds and three grades. He took first premiums on the four-year-old-cow, three-yearold cow, yearling buil and first on herd. Mr. Galpin has evejy reason to feel proud because he had good competition. R. Nowlandexhibited nine thorovghbsed shorthorns and took first premium on a three-year-old buil and first on yearling heifer. Benj. D. Kelly, of near Ypsilanji, had also a fine herd, but as the cattle were not attended when we glanced at them, we did not learnhis premiums. Frank Olds, of York, exhibits Holsteins and Jerseys. His steins include five cows, two bulls and four calves, good looking ones at that. He also shows a Jersey cow, buil and calf. J. F. Avery, of Saline has ten fine Jerseys. A can of milk rnilked Wednesday morning showed at noon fifty percent, cream. The legend "bred for butter, they'l butter your bread" was evidently a true one. The head ofrthe herd is York Stoke Pogis, whose dam was an imported cow. The herd have big pedigrees. SHEEP. The sheep display is fully up to the average, the Shropshires being most largely represented. Robert Martin exhibits a ram which weighs 255 pounds, and two two-year-old ewes, the first premium takers at the Ypsilanti fair. Emery Leiand is represented with 24 head of fine Shropshires. D. B. Sutton has four pens of Shrophires. One of his two-year-old ewes weighed 215 pounds as a yearling. The brother of the ram sold for $1,500. S. Barnarch, of Ypsilanti, has a number of Shropshires. A. A. Wood of Saline, and Norman A. Wood exhibit a number of fine wool sheep, registered Merinos with records for big yields of wool. T. Sutherland shows some fine sheep and there are other entries with no ñames on the pens. THE HOGS. Poland Chinas predominated. There were some big ones and some fairly bred ones. First premium tickets could be seen on boars belonging to Gharles Braun and Geo. W. Inman and well deserving of it the hogs seemed. S. T. and S. J. Gridley had a large exhibit of Poland Chinas and many of them took first premiums. A number of spectators coald be seen hanging over the pens and watching the porkers, which have made millions for sorae Chicago men. The roosters were busy crowing, each trying to out do the other. Dr. D. P. McLaughlin, Geo. M. Gaudy, Geo. J. Nissly and others made fine exhibits. Dr. McLaughlin has some fine Indian game fowls. THE FRUIT EXHIBIT. The fruit exhibit proves that Washtenaw yet holds, a front rank in the fruit growing counties. The grapes especially seem very fine, though the frost in the spring in jured some of the vines. W. F I Bird exhibits thirty-two varieties o: grapes, all of the bunches being large and well filled. He also exhibits eleven varieties of pears, ten of peaches and about a dozen of apples. Prof. E. Baur shows nineteen varieties of pears and many of them beauties, eighteen varieties of apples, three varieties of quinces, eighteen of grapes, also Germán prunes. His exhibit is a very creditable one. Robert Martin, of Superior, took five first premiums on six plates of apples. Jabob Ganzhorn exhibited thirtythree varieties of grapes, and made Continued on eighth page. THE GREAT FAIR. (Continued from Fourth Page.) an artistic display of grapes on th vines. He exhibits also apples pears, peaches and quinces and als canned fruit and baked árdeles b his daughter Lizzie. Calvin Austin and George Sperr had choice displays of apples and J J. Parshal, peaches. THE VEGETABLE EXHIBIT. The county farm, as the farn surrounding the poor house i known, has a large and varied ex hibit, entered not for premiums but to show the tax-payers the vari ety of articles raised on the farm b' the county. There are some very large and well filled cabbage heads excellent samples of rye, oats anc wheat, very large potatoes, raisec without the use of phosphates, large turnips and beets, carrots, swee corn, grapes and a number of other articles, including a mammoth sun flower, really the only esthetic article in the collection. Keeper McCormick is a good farmer himself and he is bringing the county farm to a high state of culture as the exhibit bears witness. The tax-payers are all pleased with it. One of the curiosities of the department is a new potato of good size grown in ati old potato which had not been put in the earth. Mills Bros. captured the first premium on the display of corn, first on ten stalks of corn and first on beets. Charles J. Conrathexhibited some very fine large and white celery. P. G. Suekey's farm has an excellent display. There are several stalks of corn thirteen and fourteen f eet high. There are any number of big pumpkins this year and they are even larger than usual. Our cut ■does not even do justice to theirsize. THE WAGONS AND CARTS. Aid. A. P. Ferguson has two large tents filled with by far the largest and best display of carts he has yet made at our couuty fair. He is on hand in person and isexplaining the merits of his worktomany admirers Walker Bros. have a fine display of buggies and one does not wonder at their large trade when their work is explained. Wurster & Kirn have a premium taking display of buggies. John Finnegan shows the patent jump seat cart whose merits lies in its springs andin the ease of entering the cart by moving the seat, without throwing out the blankets or cushion. THE WHITE ÍS KING. The display of fine sewing made by the White sewing machine, Capt. J. F. Schuh agent, is exceedingly attractive. The Village Blacksmith is stitched with spool silk and is a very accurate representation of Landseer's celebrated painting. The samples of the different kinds of work are simply elegant. No wonder the White sewing machine took the first premium. NOTES. Robert Martin took a first premium on barley and corn and second on wheat and oats. Mills Bros. ' offer of a pure bred Holstein buil calf, for the best bushei of corn excited considerable interest. Fourteen bushels of corn were entered to compete for this prize and all of it was very fine corn. Gardner & Rich, of Detroit, have a fine display of aluminum, the lightest of all the metáis, and which has only recently become so cheap as to be used in making household articles. Aluminum will have a great place in household economy.
Washtenaw County Fair
Washtenaw County Association
The Bazarrette
Mack & Schmid
M. Staebler
Koch & Henne
J. F. Schuh
Eberbach's Hardware
Dean & Co.
Ann Arbor Organ Co.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
W. S. Conklin
W. F. Bird
T. Sutherland
S. T. Gridley
S. O. Tubbs
S. J. Gridley
S. D. Bills
S. Barnach
Russel C. Reeves
Robert Martin
R. Nowland
P. J. Suekey
P. Irwin
Norman A. Wood
L. M. Lawrence
Keeper McCormick
John Mount
John Finnegan
John C. Chalmers
Jabob Ganzhorn
J. J. Parshal
J. F. Avery
J. E. Penny
I. Reynolds
H. Klinschmit
Girtie Carmo
George W. Inman
George Sperry
George M. Gaudy
George J. Nissly
Frank Olds
Eusebia Walter
Eugene Helber
Emery Leland
E. J. Steele
E. Baur
Dr. D. P. McLaughlin
D. B. Sutton
Charles J. Conrath
Charles C. Miller
Charles Braun
Calvin Austin
C. L. Tuomey
Benjamin D. Kelly
Belle Hogan
A. P. Ferguson
A. Harmon
A. A. Wood