Weak, Nervous Men
a ifc. TOU,who have been humbugged by the "Electric Belts,""Fellow Suí ' - ' ferer," "Crayon," "Vacuüm," "Nervine," "Fri- i Jfc UnUDRARI P Cure," quacks, and who have found yourself pro ■ Jm nUliUnHDLC ing worse aud worse, You, who have givenup 1 despair, saying, "lam doomed; there is no bo: i ƒ J(K for me;" to you I say: UP, and SAVE TÜUBSBLFI THEBE IS HO'1; AMk -mW THEBE IS A CUBE ! No matter what you have taken or who has failed iirjrdmhs to cure you, write me a f uil history of your cas j 1 iámij7W and send for Book (f ree) CIIPPCCOCIII nd Qoestion List. IO k Thomands Cnred. oULuLOOlUL Forty yer' experieucy , ( )a J ' .1 Consult the Old Doctor All Prirate, NerTüi.h au , í JkTifci'-' 'i CHBOSIC DISEASES of either ser skillfully and suecessfully treated and % '' 'íaiVr'lsÉlh a cure Rnaranteed in every curable case. Harried men or those about t' %jMk SpU-ytL f mrry, who dread their weakness or incapacity, or whose blood is loadc . S P witn fnipurities transmissible to offspring, should . ■Pconsult the celebrated Dr. Clarke at once. TDCATMCMTI '"sSMBi M sultation persopally or by letter, free and flCH I Illtll I dential. Medicines sent everywhere, secure from - '■ Establlihed 1861. exposure. A friendly letter may aid you and direct you to health. Address OR. F. D. CLARKE, Merrill Block, cor.woodirard,irer8onATe., Detroit, Mich.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
F. D. Clarke
Detroit Michigan