A Distinguished Guest
lüe upportionment of state taxes for Washtenaw covmty amounts to $39,010.03, this amount being assessed for tlu following specific purposes: jjniversity, aid g 1,560 00 general and other exlonses 2,573 96 Normal School, expenses 1,24165 " " cloaetsand sewers..109 74 Agricultural College, general and other expenses 62953 Mining School, expenses 790 09 , '" "' building 41151 school for Blind, expenses 630 97 School for Deaf, expenses 1,63093 Reform School, expenses and repairs. ],659 73 State Public School, expenses and re_ Pairs 1,04248 Industrial School for Girls, expenses. 1.255 36 Soldiers' Home, expenses 2,49646 State Prison, buildings.improvements, etc i 550 07 State House of Correetion, power machinery, etc 54812 Asylum for lusane, Dangerous and Criminal, buildiugs 68584 Asylum for Insane, Dangerous and Criminal, improvements... 12710 Asylum for Insane, Michigan, build,lnL- v 4S283 Asylum for Insane, Northern, buildmgand repairs 72699 Jioard ot Fish Commissioners 753 96 State Board of Health " 6487 Military purposes 2,010 50 Hecompilation of Records in Adjutant General's Office 109 73 Publication of Proceedings of Superintendentsof Poor 206 Worid's Columbian Exposition. ...".".'. 1,371 68 General purposes 15,15387 Total State Tax for County $39,610 03
State Taxes
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Washtenaw County