Close Of A Bright Young Life
Urania V. Brown, the cldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brown, of N. División street, dicd on Saturday afternoon, of peritonitis, after an illness of one short week. The funeral was held at the residence, Monday aftornoon at four o'clock, Kev. H. Tatlock offieiating, and was one of the largest attended funerals held in Ann Arbor in years. The class of the Grammar School and the class of St. Andrews' Sunday school, of which she was a member, attended the funeral in a body, each contributing a beautiful floral tribute to their classmate's memory. The death of Eay is a sad bereavement to the father and mother, as well as to her younger brothers and sisters. Although but fourteen years of age, she was mature beyond her years, and took many of the family cares from her mother. Her disposition was generous, lovable and yieldIng and she was a special favorite wlth all who knew her. She was an ardent young church worker and was vicepresident of the junior auxiliary of St. Andrews' church. She was a regular communicant of St. Andrews', having been confirmed by Bishop Davies in the spring of 1S90. In her ■school life she was brightand studious. The blow to Mr. and Mrs. Brown is a heavy one and they have the sympathy of the entire community.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Urania Vorhees Brown
Henry J. Brown