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A Brilliant Success

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The fair on Thursday and Friday turned out better than even the most sanguine had hoped for. Thursday morning the crowd beganto assemble at the grounds, on foot, horseback and in every kind of a conveyance. The electrie cars were unable eo accomodate nearly all who wished to take that route, and on the ïpsi. road three cars were put on each tïain and these were crowded eaeh trip. It was a steady etream to the ticket office and through the gates from early in the morniug until about three o'clock", the officials for once having an assurance of taking in enough to pay all premiums and expenses and leave a balance in the treasury. The crowd continued to grow until not less than 10,000 persons were within the gates. The attraction on Thursday was the promised preseuce of Gov. E. B. Winans, who is more than popular with the farmers of Michigan. He was on hand and after an introduc-i tion, the governor gave au iuteresting address on the farmers" life and its advantages. His address was over an hour long, but during that time he held an audience of 4,000 or 5,000. Following a pleasant iutroduction by Mayor Doty, Gov. Winans said that he luid recently finished an oxteusive journey over the state of Michigan. He dwelt for some time on the rank which Michigan holds among the states of the union, and of her magnificent resources - agricultural and mineral- and the development which had been reached in these great resources, and also in manufacturing; of the fame of tne state for the advancement of lts citizens in education and all that goes to eivilize, refine and improve them in mental and moral worth. He next touched upon taxation as an everpresent burden and reeomniended the people to a better fulfillment of their duty as citizens in the ehoice of public officers. Without such care it was inevitable that the tax-payers would soffer for the penalty. Careles, lnsufficlent or corrupt officials saddle oppressive burdens on the people. Any neglect tir make proper selections was sure to iucrease the amount ot taxes. ' The whole list of public officials, froui local offlcers up, ought to be chosen with discrimiuition, for their good judgment, honesty and business caiability. The Governor laid stress on the choice of legislative officers and condenmed the practice of selectlug such because of political influence, without regard to the superior qualifications of integrity, honor and well-fixed and intelligent ideas of what was due to the people, rut her than the politicians, who ought to regúlate these things, for there was 110 lack of good ïnaterial, and good and fit men should have the preference. I!y maklng qunlIflcationa of this sort a requisite for office, the peojjle would best govern thcmselves and makc more honorable the choiee to an official station. Gov. Winans ènlarged upon the desirability of having good roads. The amount of money expended upou the public highways of the state every year was large, and these expenditures had been going on for niany years. We had little to show for it. The roads to-day are in no better condition than they were thirty years ago. This was a point which he asekd the farmers to bear in mind, and to keep at the work until every highway should be materially bettered, and soon reach its highest condition of improvemeut. Thereafter the cost of keeping it in condition would be reduced to a minimum, and the wholc community would reap the benefit. Gov. Winans addressed himself to the farmers as a class upon whom rested, in a very great degree, the responsibility for whatever advancement the people might attain. While farmers were men of toil from necessity they were nearly all so situated as to be able to take for their own improvement a certain amount of leisure time. It was their duty to make their surrounding8 comfortable and A BRILLIANT SUCCESS. agreeable. Farm Ufe should have its pleasures multiplled. It oughi to be made attractive to the farmer's childrcii. The lióme liad its duties, and the joys of lióme Ufe might be materially enhanced and reflned by placing in the liouschold that Which i.s best fitted to interest, iinprovc and comfort the inmutes. Farmers, as a class, liad a wider and better knowledge of matters which engaged jmblic átteation than any other class, but witli all this they might greatly enlarge tlieir knowledge by judicious reading. He spoke not ouly of the current intelligence of the duy, but of publications devoted to farm pursuits, but of the broader culturi' Avliieh carne from reading good and useful books. The duty of providing sucli books for the liouscliold and encouraging tile refinements whích carne from ratlonal social intercourse was deserving the attention of, farmers to a greater than mos tfarmera eharged themselves wil li. The discourse of Gov. Winans was well roceived and frequently applauded It took well with the farmers and was highly complimented. Mr. Robert Gibbons, of the Michigan Farmer, was called out. He spokc witli much earnestness and vigor upon opportunities which farmers enjoyed of, not only improviug themselves; but their farms, their livestock and all their surroundings by the imitation of the most successful farmers and the exercise of judgment and industry characteristic of the good farmer everywhere. Mr. Gibbons spoke favorably of the rank and standing of the farmers of Washtenaw county. At the conclusión the governor, with Mayor Doty and Col. Dean as an escort, visited all parts of the grounds and shook hands until bis arm ached. Before the crowd left the vicinity of the speaker's stand, a little surprise was spruug on President Braun and Superintendent Mills, in the shape of handsome gold headed canes which Col. Dean presented to each in behalf of the officers and employees of the society. Two prouder men than these never lived, a.s they recovered from their surprises. Friday was "Citizens' Day" and never before have so many persons attended a closing day of the fair. Nearly all of the business places in the city closed during the afternoon, the proprietors, clerks and friends for once going to the fair, the crowd in the afternoon numbering about 5,000 Aniong the attractions of the noon was an exhibition drill by tlie Ann Arbor Light Iufantry, ander com-i mand ol Capt. C. E. Hiscock. The company turned oiit fiity men and atter clearing tlie crowd off of a space in front of the grand stand and posting guarda to keep the crowd back, gave a very creditablc exhibition of military drill, althuogh badly hampen-d for lac ko froom. Later in the afternoon tlie Infantry divided into two companies in eommand of Lieuts. AV.-itts ,-111(1 Armstrong, and held a. dress parade witn Capt. Hiscock acting as colonel and MaJ. Millard as adjutant. Another interesting sight fot the crowd Friday afternoon, was the smashing of the Sulky of the horse Fred "W., and the running away of the horse down the stretch in the 2:00 race. Fortunately the driver was ■uiönjured apdthe horse was caughit ïefore running far. TIÏE BALLOON ASCENSIONS. The balloon ascenslons were a drawing card for tho fair, the erowd watching the silken bag from the time Prof. Bartholemew commenccd to inflate it until it had dropped from the clouds out of sight. Miss Gertie Carmo, who made such a sucecssful ascent and drop no Wednesday, again went up on Thursday but was not so fortúnate as on the previous day. As she dropped with the parachute she swung and sawyed and finally came down in the top of a large oak tree on the old Ilill property on Hill-st. As she dropped into the tree, she let go of the bar of the trapezo and tried to grasp a limb. She missed it and feil to the ground, a distance of twenty-fivc feet. She was taken to the home of B. Cole, west of the city. Drs. Kapp and Breakey examincd Iilt injuries but found no bones broken, although she was badly shaken up and bruised. On Friday, Prof. Bartholemew made . the ascent, landing safely but a short distance from the fair grounds. THE RACES. The races at the fair this year had ruuch to do with attracting the crowd, and more stoady interest was shown than in previous years in the speed trials. The purses hung up wcre fair but not large enough to attract the faster horses on the circuit. The track was in poor condition except on the home stretch. The races Thursday and Friday were as follows: 2.30 PACE. Lady Rothchüd, C.D.Bills, Tecumseh ] 1 1 Littlo Joker, W. E. Prlce, Plymouth.. 3 2 2 Johnnic Miller, M. D.Conklin, Detroit 3 3 3 Time, 2.37!4, 2.4ï'2, 2.38. POUB Ï'EAR OLD TKOTTING. I I The four-year-old class brougbt out 1 three contestante, one of thcm, however, Trixy, belng hut three years old. Thcro was quite a strife beI ween tlie other two, but Frank B. w.-is too f.'isl and won easily in three straight heata asfollows: Frank li., J [t. Veseelius, Milan 1 1 1 Daisy S., O. Stimpson. Saliue 2 2 2 Trixy, O. Stimpson, Saline 3 3 3 Time, 3.09, 311, 3.04. FREE FOR-ALL, PACE AND TROT. One of the most lnteresting and yet easiest won racos was the free-for-all. takrn by Iittle Joker, but a good finish bcing made each time by William H. Hunter, with a record of 2:23 1-2 made no at tempt to keep ccompany with the pacers, and under Other rules would have been priven a distance. The tastest heat during the fair was the first in this race. The score was as follows: Little Jofcor, W. E. Price, Plymouth.. 111 WUliam H., w.S. Waltere. Flat Rock.. 2 2 2 Humor, C. D. Bills, Tecumseh 3 3 8 Time, 2 34 iL, 2.41,2.36. 2.50 PACE AND TKOTTIJïG. The next exciting race during the fair was the 2:50 class, Friday afternoon. There were five starters and at dusk six heats had been trotted, all close, giving two heata to each of two horses and one heat apiece to two others. The judges adjourned the deciding heat until Saturday morning, when the heat and race was given to Gowanda, although the heat was taken by two open lengths by Johnnie Miller, but he was ruled out of the race for foul driving. In the Nsecond heat Fred W. ndded to the interest by running away down the home stretch, the sulky breaking and the driver being thrown, but no injuries sustained. The score was as follows: Gowanda. W. E. Price, Plymouth 1114 5 2 1 Texas Jiin. A. Harmon, Saline... 3 2 3 2 112 Jolinnie Miller, M. S. Conklin, Detroit 2 4 2 1 2 4 Fred W., H. Whipple. Plymouth.. 13 4 3 3 3 3 Britton, C. D. Bills, Tecumseh 5 5 5 5 4 + + Ruled out. + Drawu. Time, 2.43%, 2.45,2.44!4, 2.48, 2.49, 2.47!4, 2. 44 V,. The judges were unable to award second money, a protest having been filed against Texas Jim, it being clainied that he has a record under 2:45. The fair was the most successful one in the history of the society. The receipts from the gates and grand stand were $2,576.38 and from the booths, $219.42, a total of $2,795.80 After paying all expenses a surplus of from $300 to $500 will be left. And the society will start out next year with money in the treasury. i As one prominent eshibitor said to the Argus, in many respects the cxhibits were ahead of the state lair this year. And the attendance on Thursday he said, was as large as the attendance at the state fair on any day excepting one. There is really no reason why the Waslitenaw fair should not be as good' as the state fair for the county is the best agricultura] county in the state. Naturally in our article of last week some of the exhibits were overlooked or slighted, but they were there just the same and admired by thousands of people. Charles D. Koph receired the first premium in the Percheron class on his fine stallion Telamaque and five of his get. A Tory accurate cut of this fine stallion is giren below. H. M. Eussíll, of Saline, had a coupli of very fino; black carriage colts, one two-year-old and ono suckling colt. Fine large animáis they are, of good iorm and of course took first premium. In horses of all work, sonre very excellent animáis were sIiottü, U. R. Lee, of Dexter, took first on Torn Palmer and Philip Blum, Jr., second on a fine three-year-old mare. There were twenty-two entries in this class and compctition Tras brisk. A. P. Ferguson had two large tents filled with carts and carriages. He was generous in his praise of the fair. ."Why," he said, "just look at these sales," and he pointed to buggies and carts bearing tho legend, "sold to." The buggies were sold to Ij. Warner, Aid. A. H. Fillmore, E. Treadwell, W. G. Kempf, Geo. Gilbort, E. Parker, and carts to W. G. Kempf, IJ. M. Stevens and W. TV. Watts. M. Staebler, as usual, made a fine display of agricultura! implements of which he has a very large and very fine assortment. A. S. Hayden, of Milan, was on haud with the Aermotor, of which he has sold a large number throughout the county. W. R. White, of Bloomington, 111., had a very useful farm gate on exhibition, readily oponed from a carriage or on horseback and shut without dismounting. The gate is evidently proof against animáis and was greatly admired. C. c. Warner, oí Lodi, exhlblted purupkuia which were ;i decided cui-iDslty. ÏAy very little waste room t'ói seeds. A half ol a pumpkin I u ii;, h round its way to our olfice bIiows tliis. It is nine iuches iu diameter, Ijui the space taken by ueede la ml,, two by three inches. 'i 11. Michigan Farmer, editor speiu Thursday on the grounds, says i fair proved an unqualilied succeas. new grounds of the society are beiug improved, and us they are nlcely located, and are ampie in dimensions, iiicy will soon be among tlie very best in che state This will surely be the oase ii the same energy sliown by the management in the past two years is continued. The grounds are reached by an electrle railway, extending from ilie depotti, and a braueli of which conni ets Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Ann Albor, as une oí the maia stations ou lile Michigan Central, has as íine railway faeilities as could desired, especialiy as the Ann Arboe ifc Toledo railway has one oí Lts niain stations here. And then'Ann Arbor itselí, with its gveat Uuiversity, its clean suvets, bandeóme residences and public buildings, and íine business liouses, is worth a vislt onse a year from eveiy Citizen oï the st;ite, who must feel a just pride in its history and standing iu the etlucational world. With these advantages, and surrouuded as it is by oue of the most prosperous agricultural communities iu the state, it would be singular indeed if a properly conducted fair located near it should not be a success. As Mr. Gibbons is an experienced agricultural writer, we subjoin a few of his commeuts on the stock and cattle shown: "H. P. Finley, of Ann Arbor, had his handsome sou of Matnbrino Patcheu DS, Golden Era 8182, witli a number of his yearlings, and the show he made was proof that this stallion gets as useful a lot of colts as one could wish for - strong boned, clean limbed, and put up for business. They are all growthy, too, and will make excellent hoad horsee with a good load behind thein." 'One beautiiul blach yearling filly, by Coralloid, 2:19 1-4, owned by Mr. George Wood, of Saline, is an honoxto her sire. She is standard bred, running to Black Haw k5, if we remember cprrectly, on her dam's side. She ought' to be íast, and also a great brood mare when matured." "E. Helbcr, of Saline, had his grand imported Cleveland Bay, Lord Wcnlock, with a bunch of his colts. As he made nine entries and received eight blue ribbons and one red one, we nced not say anything more regarding his part of the show. One of the get of Lord Wenlock, a filly out of a mare by Waverly, and bred by J. Evarts Sinith, of Ypsilanti, is an espeeially clean built, handsome animal. Her head and neck are as shapely and clean cut as a thoroughbred"s." "Mr. Nowlin is a veteran breeder, has a herd of useful cattle, good si.e, shapely, and showing dairy qualities. His buil was bred by H. T. l.ulps, is a Young Mary of the Curtis strain, and is sired by Barrington Duke of AVebster." "Mr. Galpin has been improving his herd the past two years, and the breéder who can step into the ring and down those four big roan cows of his must have grand good ones. He has tliem in nice shape, and is breeding then to a yourjg buil by Boyden's Young Hilpa, and from a Cruickshauk cow, a straight, square built young fellow. If the calevs are not good ones, then like does not produce like. This herd has its foundation in the Boyden herd, and is made up of the sort which has made Springbrook famous. " "B. D. Kelly had at the head oï his herd a buil by Honier's Duke of Flat ('reek, and from the Bloom cow once owned by Ilomer Brooks, who had this buil. There were several témales of different ages, and all looking in good shape." '■G .W. Inman had five head of Shorthorns, headed by a son of Waterloo Duke, which was bred by Prof. A. J. Cook. This is a red buil with somo white marks and a straight animal much resembling his sire, A couple of young calves from hini were good ones. 'The Holstein-Friesians were well represented. H. S. Day, of Willis, had 15 head of different ages, mo.stly in milk. and headed by an old veteran Ykeina. He is looking fine, weighs 2,400 lbs., and is a show in hlmselfl" "F. S. Olds, of York, y had 11 head, headed by the young buil, Tritomia's Mercedes Clifton Clyde, bred by Olds & Bacon, and sired by Tritomia's Mercedes Clifton, owned by the Milla Brothers." "The Mills Brothers only brought out 10 head of their fine herd, as they did not want to crowd other e.xhibitors. Wre counted seven first premiums on their stalls, howevér, with several red ribbons, so it. was evident thoy were getting a fair share of the honors." "S. O. Tubbs, of Delhi Mills, had his herd of Galloways well representod, showing 14 head of different ages. His stock buil has greatly improved the past year, and will show up well with any in the state. His cows looked rugged, are in good breeding condition and are raising some good calves. "In Jerseys, J. F. Avery, of Saline, showed some choice cows, nine head in all, headed by the handsome buil York Strok ePogis 26,456, a medium sizcd smooth buil, well marked, a steel gray on back, and quite dark undorneath, and an excellent handler. He also nhowed some calves from him which are quite promising."