
Z&? hand of time deals lightly with a woman in perfect health. But all functional derangements and disorders peculiar to women leave their mark. You needn't have them. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription comes to your rescue as no other medicine can. It cures them. For periodical pains, prolapsus and other displacements, bearingdown sensations, and all " female complaints " and weaknesses, it is a positive remedy. It is a powerful, restorative tonic and nervine, imparting strength to the whole system in general, and to the uterine organs and appendages in particular. It keeps years from your face and figure - but adds years to your life. It's gzcaranteed to give satisfaction in every case. If it doesn't, your money is returned. EEPOET OF THE 00NDITI0N OF THE m' íi mm uu -AT- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, at the close of business, Julï 9th, 1S91. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $24ó 4á 0T Stocks, bonds, inortgages, etc 75,981 07 Overdrafts 3,;C5 OS Dne from banke in reserve citieB 32,811 10 Due from Washtenaw Co 22,338 4-i Bülsin transit 4,647 67 Furniture and flxtures s,000 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 20 00 Interest paid 3S0 68 Checks and cash itx-ms 2,699 51 Niekels and pennies m. 39 44 Gold 7,590 00 Silver.- 1,966 10 U. S. and National Bank notes 12,889 00 Total .$13,4S6 18 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in _ $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 10,0(0 60 Uudivided proflts. 7,723 80 Dividend unp;iid 1,506 00 Commercial deposits S29U.W9 35 SaviDgs deposits óS.ilii 03 413, 4S6 18 Total $368,917 97 STATE OF MICHIGAN, o. County of Washtenaw, ( Hs' I, Frederick H. Belser, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tne best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. Belseh, Oashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this seventeenth day of July, 1891. William G. Dott, Notarv Public. Correct- Attest : Reuben Kempf, ) Chas. E. Gbeene, Directors. JüNirls E. Beal, j W. F. LODHOLS IS OFFERING UÏglHS IN QroceriBs and Frovisiois. riKI-CUS! 5JH! l SKCIALTY. New Teas at 25, .30, 40. and 50c per pound. Kettles, porcelain lined, free with 1 pound Baking Powder at 50 cents. China ware free with 1 pound coffee at 25 cents per lb. The best goods atthelowest prices. Always full weight and measure. All goods fresh and warranted. Delivered to any part of the city. You will save money by trading with W. F. LODHOLZ, 4 and 6 Broadway. ƒ BiSALSS ,m 15 Wilcox Ave., Detroit, Mich. Educates youne men xnd women to maintain thcmselvei in independence, save money and accumuiate wcalth. Bustnets, Shorthand, Penraanship, Enplish, Lanfukgc, Elocution and Mcchaoical Driwing Departments. Illustrtted Catalogue ítee. W. F. JEWELL, Pr$'t. P. R. SPENCER, Sec'y. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. f. Baker & Co.'s Dr63Ki3SI Gocoa from which the excess oí oil has been removed, is Ahsólutély JPure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more económica], costing less than cme cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.