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Weak, Nervous Men

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jpS YOU, who have been humbugged by the " Electric Belts," " Fellow Suiff ferer," "Crayon," "Vacuüm," "Nervine," "Fre. i" Bk HÍllunRiRIP Cure," quacke, and who have found yourself gr". jk IIUnUriHULL ing worse and worse, You, who have given up in WÊÊ despair, saying. " I am doomed; there is no bon: i p3 MES, tor me" t0 you I say: Lp, and SAVE IOUBSBLF ! THEKK IS BOP1 Á ïïfF THERE IS A CUBE ! No matter what you have taken or who bas ■ I 5%é8K to cure you' write me a f uil hlstory of your caee f Ê&Q'Vlm and send for Book (free) CIIPPCCCCIII and Qnestlon List. SJ m Thousands Cured. oULULOOiUL Fort} years' experlenca. ■f Alk l A LLnsuIt tljlt old Doctor All Private, NerTOus aai J JkE-j" 'L CHBONIC DISKASKS of either sex skillfully and successfully treated and &' jiÉË Jifcl a cnre 8uar"nteed in every curable case. ïlarried men or those abont to 'f mrrT, who dread their weaknees or incapacity, or whose blood is loadiil K with impurlties tranamissible to offspring, should í ■1 WW consult the celebrated Dr. Clarke at once. TDCÍTMCMT üüü msz sultation personally or by letter, free and (iCA I ITIClí ! ! [..i.,,,, 71 ,„.. dential. Medicines sent everywhere, secure from - tsianiuhod 181. expoBure. A friendly letter may aid you and direct you to health. Address OR. F. 0. CLARKE, Merrill Block, cr.weodrd jetAm., Detroit, Mich,