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Over 2,700 Students

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The 18th annual meeting of the W. F. M. society of the Adrián district will be held at the Methodist church in this city, Oct. 28th and 29th, the opening session being held at 2 p. m., Wednesday, the 28th. A good program has been arranged, and the ladies extend a cordial invitation to all missionary wörkere and friends to be present. On Wednesday afternoon pi 4 o'clock a children's meeting will be conducted by Dr. Metta Howard, to whieli the children of the Sunday schools and public schools are invited. Dr. Howard is a returned missionary from Corea, and will have much of interest to teil concerning "the land of the risiug sim." fcjue will also deliver an address in the evening. On Thursday evening, Rev. Camden M. Coburn will deliver an address. Subject: "The Romance of Egyptn JMïssions," a narrative of persona.l travel and experieuces.