Still Forging Ahead
The records in Secretary Wade's office show that the University of Michigan is still the most popular edueational institution in America. The mimber already registered is 55 more than the total munter of names contained in the calendar last year, and this number will be increased nearly 200 before the next calendar is issued. The number entered in the different departments up to six o'clock last evening, was as follows: Literary H Law r88 Medical -- !6 Dental - 1' Pharmacy Homeopathie Total 2-5 Afber a. corresponding date last year 198 entries were made and should the same number enter in each department as last year, the roll will be as follows: Literary 12 Law ... ' Medical - 883 Dental WJ Pharmacy Homoeopathlc Total 2ra There is little reason to suppose that fully as many will not enter frorn are that this number will be increased are that this number will be increacsed iasHead of diminished. The above figureswill not be far out of the way. I.'osses by withdrawals and doublé entries will bring th etotal number of nanitas in th ecalendar from 25 to 40 loss, and even with this the University will stand about 300 ahcad of any other institution in the country.