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Ira Rayraond is building a new kitchen. Bert Harria visited his mother last Sunday. ' Born, to E. A. Darling and wife, October 6, a son. Also Oetober 0, t o W. Holland and wife, a daughter. A reception for the new minister was held at C. H. Finney's, last Saturday night, aml a good time is reported. Mr. Post ispainting liis house, which firca tly improves it. He alfeo lias the material on the ground to build a tenant house. The farmers have not begun husking inuch yet and soine have hardly finished cutting their corn. Generally corn is a good erop in this section. John Groves is doing as well as possible, and is slowly regaining his sensea again. A subscription paper was started and about $250 was raised in two days for him. Horrace hammond died October 10, at an advanccd age. He was a mueh respected citizen of Augusta, coming here many years ago. He leaves a wife and six chüdren, four sons and two daughters. The funeral was held on Tuesday at the Congregational church.