Fred Freer was among friends here Wednesday. Mrs. A. W. Ames of Aun Arbor, was. here, Tuesday. The farmers are still sowiug rye anc will bc all this month. Much needed frost and rain visiteo this section the first of the week. Charles Leaeh has opened a billiard hall in the basement of T. JIcKone"s bloek. Mrs. Dr. Robertson, of Battle Creek, made a flying cali here the first of the week. Quite a number Irom Stockbridge and Unadilla have attended tlie fair tli is week. Another car load of' live poultiy will be taken in and shipped from here next Saturday. The Glazier-Strong oil stove company is shipping largo quantities of their stoves daily to all parts of the United States and Canada. A good number of en trios were made at the fair up to Wednesday and the attendance would hare been very good but for the 'showery weather. The schools opened last Monday with au vmüsual nuniber of forcign .scholars in attendance. The new building te a great improvenient on the old onc, espccially in the heating and ventilating apparatus. E. H. Congdon and wlfe, of West Berkley, California, are spending a few weeks among relativos and friends here, where thcy passed thoir younger days. It is over twenty years since they left here and the town has so changed tliat they scarcely recognize it. Twenty years' time works many ehanges. i Trade has been fair the pas tweek wil li moderate arrivals. Wheat stands at 95 ets., for red, and 93 for white. Barley, $1.15 to $1.30; rye, 83 ets.; beans, $1.25 for the best; oats, 30 ets.; potatoes, 25 ets.; onions, 05 ets.; applea, $1 per barrel for choice winter fruit and 50 to 85 ets. for lower grades; butter, 17 ets.; eggs, 16 ets. "