A Llttle Cirl's Experlence in a LIgrhthouse. Mr. and Mrs. L'oren Trescott are keepers of the goveranrent light liouso at Sand Beach, Mfch., and are feWiod with a daughter, iour years old. Uaat April she was tabón down with Measles, lollowied with a'1 dreadful cough and turning into a Scver. Doctors atf home and at Detroit treated her, buti Jn vain, she grew worse rapidly, untU ehe was a mere "handful oí bones." - Then shio tried Dr. King"s Nerw Discovery and after the usq oï two and a half bottles, ■was complcbely curcd. They say Dr. King'e New Discovfery is worth lts weighti ín gold, yet you may get a trjal bottla (ree at tho drugstores of Eberti&ch & Son, Ann Arbor; and Goo Haussler,
Eberbach & Sons
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus