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Resolutions Of Respect

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The following resolutions were adopted at the regular meeting oí the Maccabees, Friüay night, on the death of Sir Knight George J. Kuobler: Wbereas, It has pleased the Alinighty God, our Great Comuiauder, to cali from our midst our beloved brotlier, Sir Knight George J. Kuebler, ju the prime of manhood, therefore be it Resolved, That while we must submit to the inevitable, we deeply mourn our brother's almost sudden departure, and that Arbor tent, K. O. T. M., deeply sympathises with the widow and faniily in their great bereavement. 4nd further be it Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning for thirty days and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, and that the same be spread upon the records of the Tent, and that thoy be published in the city papers and the Mii-hican Maceabee. Committee.