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Starting An Accident Fund

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Mrs. Israel Hall presented the fire departmcnt with a check of $25 on the morning after the recent fire in her house, and the following correspondence ensued: Ann Arbor, Oet. 5, 1891. Mrs. Israel Hall:' Dear Madam: Allow me to express thauks ior your kind appreciation of our endeavors to perform our duty. Although we do not expect more than our salaries for the payment of which yourself as well as allothers of our citizens are taxed. We will', with your kind permission, place the $25 to the credit of the department, to be drawn upon only in case of injury to some member thereof. Thanking you again for the pleasure we derive from the knowledge of your appreciation, we are Eespectfully ANN AKBOR PIRE DEPARTMENT, Per FRED SIPLEY, Chief. To this letter Mrs. Hall replied as follows: Ana Arbor, Oct. 7. 1891. Mr. Fred Sipley: Dear Sir: Make any use of the $25 you think best for the benefit of your honorable company. As you allude to the possibility of future accident or injury that may befall some member of your company, I wish to assure you that in time of trouble you may rely upon me to try to help you. I only sent this littlc present hoping it would furnish ready means to provide a warm breakfast after your hard work. Please accept my heaptfelt, grateful thanks to yourself and every member of your company for your timely and efficiƫnt aid on the morning of the third of October. Yours respectfully.