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Dougherty's Lecture

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Ann Arbor, last Thursday eveniug, listenetl to America s greateet living orator, Hou. Daniel Dougherty, oí jNew ork, in his lecture on oratory. He was Introduced by President AnH-11 as one who illustrated his subject. On the platform with liim were uisnop Foley, W. A. Moore and W'iiiani ii. liughes, of Detroit; Rev. Fr. (joldrick, oí Northíleld; and Mayor Doty and iïev. Fr. Kelly, oi thi.s city. I'he lecture ivas one OÍ great power and sustained interest. It was one of the few lectures that cannot be committed to paper. None bul a ehorthand reporter could catcb thé ïelieities of expreesion. And tlie Arguu does not pretend to report the lecture. A few fragmenta howevcr may be given. He wliu possesses the simple buu sublime power to mould mi audlence 10 his will, to inspire them with patriotism, fortitude, courage in danger, nerving them for the strife, ïnisv1 be animated by the high resQrve never to abuse his gift. There are those Who regard the speaker's language and manner as of little moment. Many prefer the debater, ready on the moment. Still others choose the acholar who has carefully wrltten every sentence and once again there are those who admire the declaimer, fluent in ilorid sentences. With becomlng diffidence, Í venture to say nonfl of these are orators. If these are orators the land swarms with them. By an orator I mean a inaster, one who has magnetic power, a rnind to reason, a heart to feel, a tougue to fin.' an audlence. Compáratively few mortals have liad these rare gifts. Few excel in the faciilty of speech, whlch is common to all mankind. Every speech, tlie aim of which is to persuade, should be built on the basis of solid common sense, expressed in language and style simple and enaste. These qualities presuppose more than ordinary intillect and a wide range of knowledge. But a style as pure as Addison's and thought rare as Baeon's will not make an orator. In delivery lies the difference between the essayist and the orator. The orator must have an earneet, ardent, an impassioned nature, a nature aglow with ardent thoughts and earnest emotions. A great master has lain down the chiei requisite as "action, action, action." I prefR "actingj iapting, acting." In an orator are required the logic of logicians, the learning of philosophers, the diction of poets, the memory of lawyers, the voice of tragedians and the actoin of the best players. This was the power of the Macedonian Philip. This it was that saved Rome and won for Cicero, the title of the father of his country, that thrilled all England when Ohatham gpoke. This was the power that Mirabeau had, that animated Patrick Henry, the foreign born Demosthenes. ( One must be born an orator. By practice and study a man can become a speaker. Stirred by great crises he may riee to the confines of oratory. J know it may be said that Demosthenes at first failed. These failures were no doubt caused by the anxiety of the occasion, acting on a sensitlve nature. The power of an orator is not to be judged by vords printed. How is it that a verdict is often won m the courts in spite of all evi-' dence? Because passion breaks all barriera and flies to its object, while reason stands pondering. It will add greatly to the power of the speaker if he is a man of integrity, of pure thought. and irreproachable honor. This is said to have been one of the elemente in the character of Demosthenes. He should never prostltute this heaven born gift. It is (the glory of oratory that its most ilhistratious interpreters have ever spoken the sentiments of their souls. It is the utmost universal belief that the ablest efforts of orators have been committed to memory. It may be the ablest speeches we read have been written, but I venture to sar the prandost efforts hare never hoon preserved. Pitt declared he would rathor have one speech of Bolinerbroke's than all the lost treasures of Esypt. The orators of Greece and Rome were far more active than the modern orators. The people werp ■warmer hearted and more susceptible to the influences of eloquenee. The Enjrlish have materially chantred in the last three jjenerntions. Tjook at the great orators of the time of Georpe TIT. The speeches then delivered were models of parliamentary eloquence. Eead Chatham's famous speech, or Bnrke's magnificent effort in offerinp the motion for coneiliation wltb America. Then read the recent speeches in parlioament. A lecture is not a speech. A lectnre is not so mneh to move as to instruct. The address is of the head and not the hoart and oratory is out of nlacp. The finest field for oratory is the pulpit. A clerfryman has ampie time for preparation. He is sure of a larcre audience. He can choose his own thfme. The diernity of thf man. the solemnity of tho subject, the aim of the diseourse afford the opportunity. Tet. strancre as lt may seem. it íb a rar tliini to hear a Rood speaker in the pulpit. Tob many clergymen cultívate mannerisms. The great aim of the pulpit is not so much to convince the mind as to touch the heart. There has risen in these latter times a power that can banish kings, rev■ojhiftionize governments. change epublice. The power of the orator declined when the printing press arose. The orator speaks rarely, the pross evfiy day. The orator may move an audience, the press ean aronse the people. The orator speaks less now to the fewwho may hear his toíco than to the thousands who will read his speech. Eet us hope the press may be as faithful to virtue and truth as the orators have been. The delightfully told stories which Mr. Dougherty used to lighten liis lecture must have been heard to be appreciated.