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The Hawailan Islands have a new queen wh...

The Hawailan Islands have a new queen wh... image
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The Hawailan Islands have a new queen whose name is the simple word, Liliuokalani. The Springfield Republican says it is pronounced "Le-le-oo-okah-lah-ne." Our readers will now pronounce it and reinember the pronunciation five minutes after they have seen the word. The Canadian eensus taken this year, shows an increase of population in the last ten years of less thafl half a million people, or to state it in term sof the official census, the population of 4. 324810 in 1S81 has oiiiy grown to 1,823,444 in 1891. In ten years over a million emigrante have landed in Canada. Allowiug for tlip natural increase of population, it must be evident thát over a million Canadians have left Canada, in the past ten years. - Tliey are scattered all over this country. We have thoni in Ann Arbor and in Washtenaw. Mk-higan's population has inereased ia ten years within 50,000 of the increase of the population of Canada, although Canada is larger in area than the United States. The Ypsilantian last week showed its utter ignorance of Massachusetts politics in a half column editorial etating that the democratie state committee oí that state issued a challenge to Henry Cabot Lodge to hold a joint debate with Gov. Russell. As this statement is not correct, the whole of the Ypsilantian article is supremely rediculous in its exposition of ignorance. If the Ypsilantian will consult Ex-Congressman Allen, who has just returned from Massachusetts, he will doubtless inform them that there. are two Massachusetts Russells ■who arte thorns in the republican flesh. One is William E. Russell, the present governor of Massachusetts, for whoin the democratie state committee issued a challenge to Allen, the republican eandidate for governor, which the republican state commütee declined to accept, although Henry Cabot Lodge, who nominated Allen, Iaimied that in him the republicana had a eandidate who would not be alraid to mieet the democratie governor. The other Russell is John E. Russell, an able member of Congress, for whonï a shaltenge was issued to Henry Cabot Lodge, and about this challenge the parties are quibbling. The Argus has never had a word to say about Lodge hitherto and the statement that the republican eandidate for governor had declined to meet Governor Russell in joint debate does not refer to Lodge as the Ypsilantian states, for Lodge is not the republican eandidate for governor, as perhaps the Ypsilantian supposes. Whose brains are "abnormal" dear Ypsilantiau?