A Pure Baking Powder
A baking powiier ihat can be depended upon to be free from lime-and alum is a desiderátum in theso tlays of adultérate food. So far as cau be judged from the official reportP, the "Royal"' teems to be the only one yet found by cbemical analysis to be entirely without one or the oiher of these 8ubstanees, and absolutely ture. This, it Í8 8hown, resulta from the exclusive useby its manufacturera of cream of í tar specially refined and prepared by ! patent processes which totally remove ; he tartrate of lime and other impnrities j The coat of this chemically pure cream of tartar is inuch greater than any other, and it is used in no baking, powder except the "Royal," the 1 facturera of which control the patenta j under -which it ia refined. Dr. Edward G. Love, íormerly tieal chemist for the TJ. S. Government, who made the analysis for the New York State Board of Health, in their investigaron of baking powders, and whose intímate knowledge of the ingredients of all those sold in this market enables him to speak authoritatively, says of the purity, wholesomeness, and superior quality of the "Royal:" "I find the Royal Baking Powder com posed of pure and wholesome ingrediente. It is a crean) of tartar powder, and does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious substance." Prof. Love's tests and the recent official tests by both the United States and Canadian Governments, show the Royal Baking Powder to be superior to all others in streneth and leavening power. It is not only the most economical in use, but makes the purest, fineet flavored and most wholesome food. Lois V. Torrnns, daughtfer of Mrs. Mary V. Torrans, of Forast avenue, lk'd yesterday afternoon, of diphtheria, aged 11 years. Andrew Hillcr was badly cut about the face while drunk, Monday evening, whether by assault or by accident is not known. He was diiscovered in front of Mack & Sehmid's store, the whole front of bis clothes saturated with blood, which carne from á cut on his lip which had severed an artery. Dr. E. A. Clark sewed up the wound but Hiller was very weak from the loss of blood. "Word was received here Tuesday announeing the death of Mrs. Wm. li. Merkle, of Breckenridge, Coló., for-i merly Miss Martha Heinrich, of this city. Her mother, Mrs. John Heinrich, was wlth her at the tiihe of her death, as was also her sister, Mrs. Fred. Stein, of this city. The remains will be brought to Ann Arbor for interment. She leavcs a husband to whoni she was marricd but two years ago, and a son but two weeks old. The peace of Pittsfield was broken Tuesilay afternoon. It was not the exciting balloon ,nor the Salvation Army that Mrs. Henry Paul saw slowly floating down the liill near her home, but a jolly lot of neighbors and friends who had not forgotten that it was the dar lor lier to eelcbrate her fonrty-eighth Wrthday. A pleasant afternoon was i:'TH, a gOOd suiprr caten ,-mil the ladies clrparted. wishingMrs. Paul inany blrthdays as bright and happy. The students' Bible class at the Tnitarlan church is just beginning a season of "Home Travel study, through the lands of the Bible." The clasa begins its study at Joppa, ,proceeds thence to Jerusalem and gpenda the autumn and winter visiting the more important acemea of Bible events in the Holy Land, taking excursions thence to Sinai, Egypt, Damascus, Phoenicia, Babyion and Asia Minor, ending wlth a trip through Greece and to Kome in the track of St. Paul. The class meets at 12 noon, in the main audience room of the church. The board of managers of the Washtenaw fair association held a meeting Friday and audited all the bilis and premiums for the recent fair. The treasurer was instructed to pay all premiums in full. A vote of thanks was given Dean & Co. for favors shown the society in advancing money without interest to fix the track, etc. The corresponding secretary was instructed to notify members of the guarantee fund that the guarantee fund would not be called upon and to extend the thanks of the society to them. The treasurer was instructed to mail checksto all those receiving premiums. An auction will be held at the residenee of the late William Busli, twn and a half miles northeast of the city, on the Dixboro road, Tuesday, October 20, at which time will be sold four thoroughbred Shropghire down ewes, seven ewe lambs, eight thoroughbred ram lambs. two work horses, three cows, sow and shoats, lumber wagon, sleighs, harnees, scales, cultivators, grain drill, harrows, grind stone and many other farming ntensils, six acres of corn iin the shock, twenty tons of hay, oats, straw and many other articles.
Baking Powder
Royal Baking Powder
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Ann Arbor Argus