Royal Baking Powder
Leads All. . " The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure, for I have so found it in many tests, made both for them and the U. S. Government. The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable Baking Powder offered to the public. "HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D." Late Chemist for U. S. Government. "All chemical tests to which I have submitted it have proved the Royal Baking Powder perfectly healthful and free from every deleterious substance. It is purest in quality and highest in strength of any Baking Powder of which I have knowledge. "WM. McMURTRIE, E. M., Ph. D." Late Chemist-in-chief U. S. De ft of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. "The strength of the Royal is slpwn to be 23 per cent. greater than any other. "As a result of my investiga tions I find the Royal Baking Powder far superior to the others. It is pure, contains none but wholesome ingredients, and is of greatest strength. "F. X. VALADE, ' "Public Analyst, Ontario, Dominion of Canada." The latest investigations by the United States and Canadian Governments show the Royal Baking Powder superior to all others in leavening strength. . ■ Statements by other manufacturers to the contrary have been declared by the official authorities falsifications of the official reports.
Royal Baking Powder
Baking Powder
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