Sayings Of Children
Our little James, four and a half years ! old, was pointing out a cow to a playmate. "See the bell around her neck," he said "do you know what tbat is for? That's what she rings when she wants to teil the calf that dinner is ready." - M. P. A little girl of two and a half, on first seeing the sole of a kitten 's foot, said "Bennie's dot holes in he stotius." Later she saw some of his hair on thé chai cushion and exclaimed regretfully, "Bennie's losing he fedders."- F. B. D. Our four-year-old son and heir was recently iuformed that his annt, a widow, had married again. A few days later, wishing to speak of the new uncle, but nol knowing his name, he hesitated for a moment and then said, "You know; I mean Aunt Gertrude'sstephusband."- Y. L. The first time my little Marie, aged twenty-six months, saw the girl dressing the fish for dinner, slie came running to me, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Mammal Mammal" she exclaimed, "Mary comb fishes' hair wid de knife and itall come off!"- C.H. B., Tecumseh, Mich. My oldest boy, who has not yet reached the mature age of three, has, 1 tliiuk, a poetic way of expressing himself. Thus the other day, on noticiug the ripples on the lake in Central park caused by the wind, he exciaimed, "Mamma, leokl see hovv the water is laughiug."- X. Y., New York. My little five-year-old girl was so unruly the other day that 1 finally tried to bring her back to the paths of wisdom by exclaiming, "If you behavo like that no one will have anything to do with you." "Papa, dear," she replied complacently, "satan prefers naughty children." - R. M., New Jersey. Children love to propound philosophical probleins, and I must s;ty I do not find it easy to give satisfactory answers to those which fall from the lips of my three-yearold boy. Oiie of the simplest, and yet a question which even a wiser mother could not have answered at a moment's notice, was this, "Mamma, why can't we see our own faces." - L. I knew a lady who had a little daughter whom she was very particular to have say her prayers every day. One morning, when the child ran out in a prreat hurry to play, her mother called after her, "Mary, did you ask God to take care of you, like a good little girl?" "No, mamma," she answered, "Mary tought she would tate tare of herself today."- N. J. B., New York. Frederic, six years old, was telling Walter, three years younger, of a pleasant trip which he, the narrator, took with mamma three years before. ''WalW, you weren't bom then," he said. Walter meditated awhile upon bis loss in not coming nooner upon the scène, and then said, "Brer Fedwick, 1 was wishing then that God would make mei"- G. W. G., New London, N. H. Eddie was very fond of raspberry jam. One evening when the parson dropped in to tea mamma opened her last jar, with emphatic instructions to Eddie not to ask for some more jam after getting his share. His papa', not knowing the circumstances, offered to replenish his dish, when Eddie mortified his mother by saying, "Mamma said I musn't ask for any more, 'cause that is all there is."- F. B. D. We recently had occasion to reprove our little Tommy, not quite three years old, and told bim as seriously as possible that we were ashamed to have so disobedient a little boy. The little fellow listened very patiently, and then asked, withan earnestness which completely disarmedus, "Don't you think vou had better get a better boy?" The same little boy astonished us theother evening before going to bed by giving us the following improvised version of his usual prayer: Jesus, tender Shepherd, lead me: Bless thy little lamb tonight. And everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go. Arnen. -J. S.. New York. -All from Babyhood. Small Girl (after eating a peppermint drop) - Whew-eel don't it make your mouth windy?- Kate Field's Washington. They're having a picnic in the woods. "Oh, papa," exclaimed little Fritz, ruuning up with a chestnut burr in his hand; "look! I've found the egg of a porcupine!" - Fliegende BUtter. A little Boston girl, who is going to a private school, wants to go to a public school. "I am tired," she says, "of going to a school where the teacher calis us darling." - New York Tribune. Mrs. Jaysmith - Freddy, how did you get your clothes torn and your eye blacked like that? Now, don't deny it, you've been ín a ñght. Freddy (ruefully) - Nome; I wasn't in it. - New York Sun. Grandfather Dean, who is very old indeed, was holding his little grandaughter Helen on his lap, when she suddenly asked very seriously, "Grandpa, why don't you wear a switch." - Toledo Blade. A little boy, the son of good Presbyterian parents, was asked the question in catechism, "What is the chief end of man?" and he answered, "Man's chief end is to glority God and annoy him forever." - New Moon. "No, Bobby," said his mother, "one piece of pie is quite enongh for you." "It's funny," responded Bobby, with an injured air. "You say you are anxious for me to learn to eat properly, and yet you won't even give me a chance to practice."- Washington Hatchet. There was once a mother who was fond of pointing her moral lectures with prectical illustrations drawn from the daily life of her children. And the children showed they understood the force of this method of instruction. One day a discussion arose in the nursery. Will said a thing was so, Mabel said it wasn't. "But if I say it's so, it is so," said Will. "Saying a thing is so doesn't make it so," answered Mabel stoutly. "Now, suppose you say you're a good boy, that doesn't make you one, does it?" - Harper's Young People. One day on a railroad car a lady allowed her little boy, who could hardly speak distinctly, to play about the car, and by and by, to the horror of all of us, she discovered him complacently sitting outside on the steps. She brought him in, and although the punishment inflicted was mild, his little heart seemed to be completely broken. When presently the train stopped at a staHon great, choking sobs could be heard distinctly all over the car, and suddenly ire were all convulsed by a grieving, reroaehful and utter desolate little voice exclaiming, "Say, mamma, when a - naughty old - trainman leaves - a door wide open, how can - a baby help ftoing
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