COPvrioNT J J On the move ■ - Liver, Stomach, and Bowels, after - Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets have done their work. It's a healthy movement, too - a natural one. The organs are not forced into activity one day, to sink back into a worse state the next. They're cleansed and regulated - mildly and quietly, without wrenching or griping. One tiny, sugar-coated Pellet is all that's needed as a gentle laxative; three to four act as a cathartic. i js' . They're the ■ smallest, cheapest, the easiest to take. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipation, Indigestión, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements :f of j the Liver, Stomach and ' Bowels are promptly relieved and cured. EEPOET OP THE 00NDITI0N OF THE FAU' I iÜmiICS' Wil - AT- ANN 1RBOR, MICHIGAN, at the close of businesB, Julï 9th, 1891. RESOURCES. Loans and discouuts $246, 4,' 8 0" Stocks, honds, mortgages, etc 7S.08 1 0" Overdrafis 365 08 Dne from bank in resitve cities 32,811 10 Due from Waihtenaw Co 22,888 41 H'llBin transit 4,647 6' Furniture and flxmres d.OOUOO Cutient expensis and fcixes paid 20 00 Interestpaid 30 6S Checks and casb itcrus 2,69i 5' Nickels and pennies 39 4Gold - 7,590 00 Silver 1,966 10 U. S. and Nati'nal Bunk notes 12,889 00 Total -. $413,4S6 18 LIABILITIES. Capita] stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplue fund lO.Oi'O 60 üudivided proflts 7.7'iS 80 Dividend unpaid 1,500 00 Commercial depasits S280,9íí) P5 SaviDga deposita 53,813 03 413,450 18 Total $368,91? 97 STATE OF MICHIGAN, j Oounly of Vashtenaw, j Bs' I, Frederick H. Belser, Cashier of tiie ahove named bank, do solemnly swear tbat the above statement is mie to iue best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. Belseh, Oashier. Subscribed and sworn to beforc me this seventeeath day of July, 1891. WltLüM ü. Doty. Notary Public. Correct- Attest : Reuben Kempf, "i Chas. E. Gkeeniï, Directors. Junios e. Beai-, J W. F. LODHOLS IS OFFEEING IN bíúi ui Frovisions. riBST-CLASSEDDDS SPEEULT7. New Teas at 25, 30, 40. and 50c per pound. Keltles, porcelain lined, free with 1 pound Baking Powder at 50 cents. China ware free with 1 pound coffee at 25 cents per lb. The best goods at the Iowest prices. Always full weight and measure. All goods fresh and warranted. Delivered to any part of the city. You will save money by trading W. F. LODHOLS, 4 and 6 Broadway. J rf &LSALSS 15 Wilcox Avb., Detroit, Mich. Hducates young men and wotnen to maiotaln themselves fn independertce, save money and accumulate wealth. Busiae, Shorthand, Penmanship, Enpliih, LanLupe, Elocutton and MechaotcaJ Driwine Departmcnts. Illustrited Catalogue free. W. F. JEWELL, Pns't. P. R. SPENCER, Sec"y. GOLD MEDAL, PASIS, 1878. Ï. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa from which the ezcess oí oil has been removed, ia Absolutely JPure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cvp. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & GO., Dorchester, Mass.