J. I). Byañ left Monday evenlng for Rochester, N. Y. Ed. A. (ott, of Detroit, was in th city, Wednesday. J. Halle, of New York, is the pies of Walter C. Mack. James Donovan has gone to Mar quette. mi business. Wm. 11. Wells, of Detroit, vvas ii Ann Arbor, Monday. W. J. Luyckx, of Detroit, has beei visiting E. V. Hangsterfer. Miss Ka te Haarer, of Owosso, is visiting Mrs. Caroline (winner. M. W. Beals, of Detroit, was the guest oí D. C. Fall, over Sunday. Adjutant Chas. E. Baxter, of Detroit, spent Saturday in the city. Ernest Neuhoff, of Detroit, spènt Sunday with his family Ia this city. J. R. McLaughlin, the Detroit real estáte dealer, was in the city, Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. M Joños, oí Wichita Kans., is vjsiting her sister, Mrs. B. F Watts. Fred Ebcrbach, of Kalkaska, is vis iting nis parcnts, Mr and Mrs. E. H. Eberbach. Dr. W. N. Salsbury, of Midland, is visiting nis father, who recently moved to Ann Arbor. Miss Elida L'ovejoy, of Detroit, is visiting hLr_sister, Mrs. A. C. Kellogg, of Brown street. Miss Josie Henion, of Detroit, spent Wednesday in Ann Arbor, the guest of Mrs. J. E. Bach. Dwight B. Checver, of Detroit, spent Sunday with his mother, on E. Washington street. Miss Edith Polhcmus has been spending a few days with her friend, Miss Lulu Osborne, of Delhi. Miss Nellie Graves, of Ypsilanti. spent Sunday with the family of E. W. Moor, of the Fifth ward. George E. Bliss, of Jackson has been visiting his parents, Mr. afld Mrs. W. W. Bliss. on William street. Harry H. Watts left Wednesday cvening for Knoxville, Tenn., and other southern points, to spend the winter. Ivarl Miner left Sunday night for Newberry, ü. P., where he will occupy a position with a lumber company during the winter. Edward Duf.'y, with the other membera of the consolidatied prison board, left Tuesday, for Marquette, ü. P., to inspect the prison there. Oscar Schmid returned from .Toliet, 111., Wednesday. He has aecepted a position with the Weeks Drug and Chemical Co., of Jackson. Eli W. Moore, superintendent of the Agricultural Works, returned from a business ti-ip to Chicago, Milwaukee and otlner western cities, Sunday. Alderman Ferguson has returned from the St. L'ous exposiition, where he had a display of the goods of his manufacture. He reports a fine exhibit and a good business. Mrs. E. A. Eathbono and daughtcr left Wednesday evening, for various points In New York. On the 24tli iust. they sail for Europe, where they expect to romain a year. ' Omar D. Case and M. W. Brooker, of Findlay, O., have spent the past week as the guests of E. B. Hall. They tried their luck fishing at Port■age and the surrounding lakes. : Henry Kichards and Jonathan Spraguc were the representatives of Ann Arbor Eneainpmcnt, I. O. O. F., at the anuual meeting of the Grand Eneampment at Lansing, this week. Kev. Max Hein, of Zion church, has been attending a meet'ing of the church synod at Fort Wayne, Ind., during the past week. He returns today, being called back to officiate at the funeral services of Mrs. Tfm. H. Merkle. W. E. Walker and wlie returned f rom Zukey lakc, Monday. They were there over two months, Mr. Walker during that time erecting a private boat house and sleeping apartments, on the grounds of the Ann Arbor Sporting Club. Mies Mate Clark rcutrned home on Wednesday evening, from Detroit, where she has been visiting the past four weeks. She was ill a few days while there, which she attributes to the chango from tbc pure water of Ann Arbor to the inferior Detroit liquid.
Agricultural Works
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
J. D. Ryan
Edward A. Gott
J. Balle
Walter C. Mack
James Donovan
William H. Wells
W. J. Luyckx
E. V. Hangsterfer
Kate Haarer
Caroline Gwinner
M. W. Beals
D. C. Fall
Charles E. Baxter
Ernest Neuhoff
J. R. McLaughlin
Mrs. Charles M. Jones
Mrs. B. F. Watts
Fred Eberbach
E. H. Eberbach
Mrs. E. H. Eberbach
W. N. Salsbury
Elida Lovejoy
Mrs. A. C. Kellogg
Josie Henion
Mrs. James R. Bach
Dwight B. Cheever
Edith Polhemus
Lulu Osborne
Nellie Graves
E. W. Moore
George E. Bliss
W. W. Bliss
Mrs. W. W. Bliss
Harry H. Watts
Karl Miner
Edward Duffy
Oscar Schmid
Eli W. Moore
Mrs. E. A. Rathbone
Omar D. Case
M. W. Brooker
E. B. Hall
Henry Richards
Jonathan Sprague
Rev. Max Hein
Mrs. William H. Merkle
W. E. Walker
Mate Clark