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The cheaper we sell, the more we sell. Notice the crówds that daily fill our three floors. JEvery one a pleased purchaser. We Have the Goo&s ! We Make the Prices ! We Catch the Trade ! CarpetDepartmentpno:' CloaksP Shawls i Furs. Althougb this department has During the past week several been running but a few montbs it new novelties have been received has already grown into popular in this departraent not to be favor, and the quantity of goods; found elsewhere in Wasbtenaw sold bas been beyond all ffounty. tion. Our Cloak Sales have been Several Thousand Dollars siniply enormous and prove how have been recently added and popular prices beneñt our Paprices placed lower than ever. trons and ourselves alike. Note the marked reduction in the We have following Standard Goods: 2OjOOO PollaFS WORTH. NOW. 10 Eolls Tap. Brussels, 65c, 45c worth of Cloaks to close out in 25 " " " 85c, 6.0c tne next two months. No such 25 " Ingrain, - 60c, 40c opportunity was ever afforded 38 "" . - 75c, 50c the Ladies of Washtenaw and ad50 "' " -$1.00, 75c joining counties to obtain the very choicest and correct styles at Body Brussels. the prices we make. 450 Shawls just opened. Cali and see them. Genuine Smyrna Rugs, Mo kette Rugs, Wilton Rugs, Byzantum Rugs, from $1.00 to 150.00. Linoleums, Oil Cloths and f"UI(Ö Mattings of all kinds and lowest r ,in price. FUIS m Í1NÍ pAPERJES " . ij We are now showing a bandsome We are showing a class of Hne qL Fur Garment8 in Seal Goods never before kept in Ann Mink? Krimmer) Beaver MartiD) o-?f' n ■ k „n es An Mufflon, Astrachan and Rat, in Silk Curtains $5.00, $8.00s Slioulder and Three-Fourths 810 00 $15 00 and 18 .00 c Mnffg and Trimmi Portieres from $1.50 to $2o. 00. J & Irish PointLace, Real Brussels, Swiss Lace, in fact everything new and attractive. ■■ i I Remember for every dollar I iMMAMIIIil M I spent in this department you get JJ lErWH3jr; $1.50 in value. Take the eleva■■■ II1WI ■ tor. You vvill surely miss it should m .i M H I you uy a dollar's worth of ïïnmBUlPPB.iii PfHUftwfiW derwear until you have looked SECOND FLOOR. Children's, Men's and Boys' we ar. In this Department we offer a . , r' .■■. number of extraordinary bargains Tlunk of xt Ladies! Nice' Soft' as Souvenirs of our very low Thick Vests and Fants, 25c each. prices and guarantee them ( T ,. , ,, r, . & Ladies' Natural Wool, oOc; ble in every way. 200 Pairs Nice White Blankets, worth 75c everywhere. 90c; cheap at $1.50. , 200 Pairs Nice Colored BlankLadies Natural WoqI, 1.00; ets, 90c; cheap at $1.50. cannot be duplicated for $1.50. 50 Pairs White Blankets, $3.00; ,r' . r. ';.,, , cheap at $4.50. The Best Men's 50c Shirt and 50 Pairs White Blankets, $3.25; Drawers ever shown in White cheap at $4.75 and Grey. 40 Pairs Colored California Blankets, $4.00; cbeap at $6.00. BuJ Our Men's Red Mixed 45 Pairs Colored California Shirts and Drawers, 75c, and Blankets, $4.70; cheap at $6.50. save 50c on every garment. 35 Pairs Colored California Blankets, $5.50; cheap at $7.50. We are sole aSents in ths Clt}7 Bridal Blankets, $10. 00,$12. 50, for the celebrated Ypsilanti Un$15.00 and $18.00. derwear. Any other concern We have a splendid lot of Comhandling these goods are either forters oub own make, in gateen di in of o!d stock or paying and Silk, rangmg in pnce from r b . . $1.00 to $7.00. They are beauus a comnnssxon on every garties. ment they sell. We have made a special effort this f all to secure a line of ïïosiery that will meet the approval of the ladies in every respect. How far we have succeeded we will leave to your decisión. Our special bargains are in our 50c lines of Fjne Merino Soft Wool and Thread. Our 45c line of Natural Wools; Our 35c line Heavy Mixed Goods; Our splendid line of 25c Hose, in Bool Patterns and Standard Blocks; but Best of All,, a Nice, Clean, Soft, all Wool Hose for 15c, which you positively cannot buy elsewhere for doublé the price. The more we sell, the cheaper we sell.