In the cantón of Zurich, voting ...

In the cantón of Zurich, voting is made compulsory. Every legal voter who does not cast his ballot is fined. Sueh a regulation prevente party men from being bribed to stay away from the polls. President Seth Low, in an article in a recent Century, on the Government of Cities in the United States, advises that the authority of the city to borrow money be restvicted and that the liruitation take the form of rpercentage on the asseesed valuation. In this respect Ann Arbor must be an ideal city. The limitation on the ■power of the city to borrow money is absolute. The only way in which Ithe aity can be run into debt is by an aippeal to ihe legislatute. This feature of Ann Arbor's charter lias for nxany years kept our taxation low. Accorüing to Henry Cabot L,odge, onc oí the high priests of republicauism says in a recent magazine article that there have been in this country 12,243 men wlio "by their ability have raised themselves even slightly above the general Ievel." In making up this number he gives Michigan only 44 men who liave ever risen "even süghtly" above the mediocre and puts MassachuBetts down for 2,686. Uodge has been trained in the Republlcan school of misstatements and the effect of nis training is shown in the above estímate.
American Republicanism
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Seth Low
Henry Cabot Lodge