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" The Niágara Falls Route." """" TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 28, m CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.' EASTWAKD. ■ stations Mail Day Sbrè N y'ní'iI n ,, W; fcp eJeKj) li. M IA. M. p. M. PM m '"„ ,. "" Cblcago.Lv. 7Ü5 900 221 8 10 sSffiui S Jackson ;255 425 ü S0 847 440 íií ÍS Chelaea 3 69 5 ÍS Sí s M Dexter 4 UI i";; 5S ?' 9 DelLi Mills... 430, W 15 55 Ypsilanti.... .... 9 56 I" 5 Jg n. June ,.„. _. „ 6„ , Detroit, Ar ..615 45 7 20 1046 7 aöl ao U Buffalo 8 IC A-WA7mP8 WESTWARD. stations. Detr Chi. Lim EYeJshre Pao M,l _ Exp Kxp IJxp Exp. Lim Ex Acc, A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M Pu . Buffftlo 12 Of. 6 30 3 45 810 12K M A.M. A.M. r. M. P.M. ! M PM i v Detroit, Lv... 8 20 718 120 7 46 9 25 á 15 4 43 WayneJune !) 00 8 2f. 954 i 7, ïpnllantl .122 SU; 2 0f S iy ' ny sin ANHAF.B0E.. 9 SB 3 39 2 li) 9 18 liïi in i ?r Delhi Mills.. Í) 4:, ..... 915 tM Dexter 966... 9 2 ' " " Chtilseu 1010 gas ', Jacksun... . 1100 0 25 8 14 1036 H 16 Ü 45 055 P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A. SI Ji Chicago. Ar. 7 (T 3 M; ;) 110 f, ft) 4 50 0 n T, tDaily. Sunday éxceptea. O. W. RUGGLKS, H. W. HA VES G. P. & T. A . Chlcaeo. Ag't Ann Ar'bor. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. TlmoTable poing inte effect September 13, 189I. Arrivul of (rninsat Ann Arbor. GOIKO NOUTH. No. 2. Through Mail and Express. . 7 40 a re No. 4. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom 11 50 a' m' No. fi. Clare Passenger 5 05 p. m! GOINO SOUTH. Nol. Clare and Toledo Aecom lllina m N0.8. ThroiiBli Mnil ..." 920 p.S' No. 5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Aecotn.. 7 20 a. m. Trsins4 and 5 run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. Central Standard Time. All Trains Daily except Bunday. W.H. BENNETT, E. S. GUEENWOOU, Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time table taking; effect October 4, 1891. Lenve Ann Arhor ïrom Omrt ITovsr, at 815 7.80, '■! 30. 10.50 a. m., and 12.60, 2.20. :! 60, ü 80 6.60, 8.20,9.60, 11.20 p.m. Leave Ypsüanti at fi 00, 7.15, 9.00, 10..'!0, a. m and 12.30, 2.00, a.30,5.00, C.30, 8.00, 9.;0, 1 1.(10 p. m. SUNDAY TIME TAHI.E. r Leave Ann Arbor f rom Court House at 3 20 3.50, 5.20, 6.50, 8.20, 9.50, p. m. Leave Ypiilanti at 2.00, 3.;, 5 (10, C.30. 8.00, 9.30, p. m. Gars runonCity Time, Coupon tickets, 10 cents. For sale b.y conductora. EBERBACH & SON. DBUGGttSTS AND PHARMACI8TS, No.12 South Main Street. DEALEHS IN Drugs, ]yieclicines9 Chemicals, Dye Stillig, Artist's and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Article%, ïrusses. Etc. PURB WINRS & LIODORS Special attention paid to tne lurnishing of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, te, with philosophical and Chemical Aparatas, Bohemian Chemical Glassware, Porcelain Ware, lVre Reagents, etc. Physicians' Prescritions CareniUy Prepareit at All hours. m m m mi 11 Pears and Grapes a Specialty Fruit, Ornamental 'Trees and Flowers From Ellwanger & Barry. Order Early by Mail. SYRUPS, MEDICINAL WINES RASPBERRY SYRÜPS, HONESF.T., DANDELIÜN AND OTHEK DOMESTICGRAPE WINES Prepared Especially for Invaliils. ï Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs._l E. BAUR. West Enron St. ELIHTJ E. POND, JUSTICE OF THE PeACE And Notary Public. Convej anoing done and UEAL ESTÁTE bouKht and sild 011 couimisaion. Patronage solicited . No. 0 N.MainS: [)4 A. MAC LACHIAN, M DD6eases of the EYE, EAIÏ, NOSE and ÏHKOAT Ollice in Hangsterfer Blook. Kcsidence26 S. División Street. Hours: 1 to 6 and 6:3O to 7:3O p. m. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, Agent for the following First Class Compames, representing over twenfy-fcisht Million Dollars Assets, issue lolicies at the lowest ratprf Etna of Ilartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Plüla 3,118,738,00 Gemianía of N. Y 2,700,7139.00 American of N. Y . 4,0f5,968.00 jondon Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & AI., Detroit 287.608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,096,879.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505.00 Jhenix,N.Y 8,759,036.00 S"Special attenüon given to Ihe insnranoe ol weljjngs, schools, churclies and public building! Bterms of threo and live renrs