Local Brevities
Visit the Fair in the rink. Many useful articles at the fair in the rink. See the pyramid of flour at St. Thomas' Fair. The Fair will be in progress every evening during October. Musie by local talent every evening at the Fair. Admission 10 cents. The supervisors paid their annual visit to the county house, Tuesday. Argus readers should peruse E. F. Mills & Co's big ad. on our 3rd page. The annual assignment of pews in the Baptist church was made Tuesday evening. Albert Mann has purchased the brick residence of John Koch, on W. Liberty street. Miss Clara Jacobs entertained a party of young irieuds at a candy-pull Wednesday afternoon. The city treasury has been Increased $301.10 this week, that amount having been paid for liquor tax. Mrs. J. T. Sunderland delivered an address before the Woman's Congress at Grand Kapids, last week. The jury in the circuit court was dischargéd for the term, Tuesday, all the jury cases having been tried. N. J. Esterbrook has purchased a lot on Cherry street and will commence the erection of a new house immediately. A jury in the circuit court, Friday, gave Emily Kulenkamp $500 damages against Frederick Kensler for breach of promise. The judgment of John A. Kalmbach, of Chelsea, for $150 against the M. C. K. R. has been affirmed by the supreme court. Rev. J. M. Gelston will commence a series of ssrmons at the Presbyterian church on "Future Punishment" next Sunday evening. Rev. C. M. Coburn, of the M. E. church will begin a series of discourses next Sunday evening on the wit and humor of the Bible. Felix Mackin was arrested and plead guilty, Saturday, to assaulting August Hiller. He was genteneed to twenty days in jail. Stanley Mills, the son of E. F. Mills, entertained a party of young friends Saturday, the occasion being the celbration of his fourth birthday. John Fred Wolf, a former subject of the emperor of Germany, has renounced such allegiance and on Wednesday became a free American citizen. Wm. R. White had his automatic gate at the Chelsea fair and took the diploma for having the best driving gate, and also for the best field gate. Chas. M. Crum, who was convicted of breaking into a shop, was senteneed by Judge Kinne to one year at Jackson or until he shall pay a fine of $100, Wednesday. The. annual meeting and election of officers of the Star Mountain Mining Co., in which 6O many of our citizens are "interested," will be held at Detroit, Oct. 26. The funeral of Mrs. Anton Armbruster, of Scio, was held at the family residence, Rev. Max Hein officiating. The remains were interred in Forest Hill cemetery. Announcement is made of the marriage, on Wednesday next, of Miss Clara Mack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mack, and Harry Hawley, of Denver, Colorado.- Courier. y The cooking school will open at Harris Hall, November 3, under the direction of Mrs. Emma P. Ewing, for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Andrew's church. Inspect the ornamental and beautiful articles for sale or raffle at the Catholic Fair in the rink. Open every evening during the remainder of October. Refreshments every evening. Miles Fadh," an excellent Irish play of that class, which is seldom seen on the stage to-day, a thing to be regretted, was given at the opera house, Wednesday evening, by a strong company. Jane, the widow of the late Chas. Brewell, died in Detroit, last Saturday, of old age. The deceased was 79 years of age and formerly lived in Ann Arbor, removing about twenty years ago to Detroit, where she has since made her home with her adopted son, John Fisher. Her remains were brought tp this city, Monday morning and placed in the vault at Forest Hill cemetery. The hotels have been filled to overflowing, this week, Monday night many being turned away. The State Pharmaceutical meeting, the jury and the board of supervisors were the cause. John Gow and Thomas II. Matthews were arraigned in the circuit court on the charge oí rape, Monday. They picad not guilty and were bound over for trial, their bail being fixed at $1,000 euch. The Good Templars will give a public installation of officers and social in their hall over J. T. Jacobs' store, Monday evening. Good music, a good program and a good supper will be given. Admission free. While the students were parading tho strcets, Friday night, Charles Holt a high school student, became too noisy and was arrested. Saturday morning he paid $5.20 fine aud costs for disturbing tho peace. John J. Ferguson will have charge 01 the erection of Orville Sage's new house on West Summit street. It is Mr. Sage's intention to put up a building that will compare íavombly with any residence on the street. S. G. Miller brought the Argus a peanut vine and root, AVednesday, with a goodly number of peanuts attached. The vine was one of many such grown by Mr. Miller this summer and is quite a novelty in these parts. Some unknown party fired a bullet through tho window of the house of H. Woodward, on Packard street, last Thursday night. Whether by accident or design is not known, but fortunately nobody was struck by the missile. A library party will be given Saturday evening to the Students' Christian Association in the parlors of the Methodist church, by the Wesleyan Guild chapter of the Epworth league The young people of the various churches are cordially invited to attend. Since Mayor Doty took his seat last spring, he has been called upon to publicly welcome thirteen associations or delegations that have visited this city. His troubles are not yet ended either, as at least five other such occasions are arranged for before his term expires. Two small boys, both under twelve years of age, broke into Speechley's shoe shop on Liberty street, Sunday afternoon, and stole several pairs of shoes and some tools. Marshal Murray recovered the goods, Monday, but on account of their youth the boys escape punishment. Michael Laughlin, for many years a resident of Xorthfield, has been successful in a suit brought by him against the Jackson Board of Education. He was janitor of one of the schools in that city for ten years, and had worked about a month on his eleventh year when the board saw fit to discharge him. He sued to recover his full year's salary. A free piano recital iá to be given before tho. Unity club on Monday evening next, by Miss Fannie Louise Gwinner, assisted by Mrs. W. F. Edwards, soprano; E. N. Bilbie, violin; and Miss Bertha D. HUI, aceompanist. It is to be given in the audience room oï the Dnitarian church. The program will consist of selections from classic aud popular numbers. Patrolman Tice was visited by two oíd íriends, for a few minutes, Tuesday, neither of whom he had seen since 1865. They were Lieut. B. F. Sweet and G. C. Morehouse, who were comrades with the patrolman in the 14th Michigan Llght Artillery during the war. The peculiar feature of the case is that Tice recognized both of them on the street before they spoke to him, although 26 yeai's had passëd since they had met. Two couples were boat riding on the river near the pulp mill, Saturday evening, when in fooling one of the young ladies lost her balance and fell overboard. She was rescued by her companions, very wet and very badly frightened. A telephone message for a hack was sent to W. G. Snow's, Marshal Murray accompany the rig. The party refused to divulge the name of the young lady who took the involuntary bath, she being left however, at No. 13 Monroe street. Tuesday morning the residents in the neighborhood of the Sager block, on State street, were aroused by screams which led them to believe that a murder was being committed. A crowd collected and an investigation by Patrolman Tice showed that a Mrs. Bennett, who lives in the third story of the block, had fainted and in some way had shut her jaws together on her husband's finger, taking out a good sized piece from one of these. Not relishing this, he had uttered the sereams which had attracted the crowd. Jacob Stark will continue to act as janitor of the court house for another year, having been re-elected to ' that position by the supervisors, yesterday. Last week, a man named Gabe Weurthner arrived in the city and spent Sunday with the family of C. Schlenker, on S. Main etreet. On Monday, he devolved signs of insanity and attacked Mrs. Schlenker with a pitch-fork. He was disarraed, and Marshal Murray took him to jail. His home was at Dayton,, Ohio. He disappeared from there Oct. 13th, no trace hfing had of him until the marshal telegraphed that he was here. An officer came after liim and took him back, yesterday. Weurthner was a shoemaker by trade and about twenty years ago lived in this city. "Wednesday afternoon, Stephen Jacobs, ivliii lias lived a number of years on S. Fourth avenue, met with an accident which caused his death immediately. He was walking on the T. & A. A. track near S. Main street, when he was struck by the northbound passenger train. One foot was cut off and he was dead by the time the train was stopped and assistance reached him. Mr. Jacob swas 80 years old and slightly deaf, the probability being that he did not hear the approaching train until too late, although the engineer blew his whistle vigorously. Do.eeased was a member of Welch Post, G. A. R. Monday evening Ann Arbor Commandery, No. 13, K. T., reeeived an official visit frorn R. E. Grand Commander E. C. Smith, oí Pontinc. The commandcry pxomplified the worklng of the Temple degree upon M. M. Reed, of Ypsilanti, to the satisfaction of the distinguished guest, after which a banquet was served in the bamjupt room, at which responsos were made by a mimber of ready speakers. Sheriff Dwyer and his deputies diseovered thé plans of a jail delivery, oneevening laat week, and thwarted the plotters. Concealed in a closet tlicy found a key and a dangorous dirk, the latter being made by grinding down a table knife and providing it with a shield. The key was a work of art, made from lead pipe, the tongue being fastened together with common pins. A wooden handle was fitted to it, the whole not being very handsome. But it answered the purpose, for by reaching through the bars the sheriff was a ble to unlock the cage door with it. This would let the prisoners out into the lobby, and the sheriff think.s the plan was to make an assault on the turnkey when he carne in at night, taking his key and thus easlly maMng their escape. The sheriff is not positive who the plotters were, but thinks that Gow and the tramp arrested for steaüng from Schiappacassee's were thé ones and is kes'ping them onder surveillance.
Catholic Fair
St. Thomas Catholic Church
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
Michigan Central Railroad
Farm Equipment
Marriage Announcements
Students' Christian Association
Mental Illness
Accidents - Trains
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Stephen Jacobs
Orville W. Sage
Jane Brewell
Fannie Louise Gwinner
Charles Brewell
Albert Mann
John Koch
Clara Jacobs
Mrs. J. T. Sunderland
N. J. Esterbook
Emily Kulenkamp
Frederick Kensler
John A. Kalmbach
J. M. Gelston
C. M. Coburn
Felix Mackin
Stanley Mills
John Fred Wolf
William R. White
Charles M. Crum
Mrs. Anton Armbruster
Clara Mack Hawley
Harry Hawley
Emma P. Ewing
John Fisher
John Gow
Thomas H. Matthews
John J. Ferguson
S. G. Miller
Michael Laughlin
Mrs. W. F. Edwards
E. N. Bilbie
Bertha D. Hill
B. F. Sweet
G. C. Morehouse
Jacob Stark
Gabe Weurthner
E. C. Smith
M. M. Reed
Sager Block