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Council Proceedings

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;ofpicial.j ( 'Ol'SC L, CHAMBKR, I A.VN MIMOK. MiCH., Uct. 19, 1891. 1 Regulaj meeting. ' O'.mcil met and was called to order li.v te preáddent. Hul called. A quorum present. W.sin. Aid. Winee, Fergueon and '-. Taylor.- 8. Minutes o.' prcvio'is meeting approved. PBTITIOS8 AKD COMMUNICATIONS. i To the Conmion Council:- The board df public works would respéctifully reoommemd ihat the foltowlng eidewalks to be ordered built: On Pourtli ave., nortli, front of property i Kate Hatolon. On Ashley st.. south, front of propi-rty of Phillip Visel. Oji Thompson st., south, front of property oï Mrs. Augustus Clark. Further recommomted and hereby sulmiit the report of the Street commlssioner, relative to the construction and repairs of sidewalks in front of, and adjaeent to private property at the expense of the city, fox the y.-ars 1890 and 1891, to thig council as part of mir report, P..v order oí the board of public works. VM. .1. MELLER, Clork. Ki-ivi rcci ro sldewalk committee. The report of street commi'ssianer wae and flied. Win. I!. White petitionjed the council for privilege of exhibiting nis new farm gate apon oni' of the corners of the court house square. K'fcrrcd to Úpense committee. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. To the Honorable Common Council oí the City of Aiui Arbor. Mich.: - ■ Your committee on etreete having again looked over the grading on Cathaj-ine st., would rocommend that the uailversity authorities be allowed to grade Cathariiic st. as per their requost proyided they obtain permlssion In writing from the property holders on said street, between Observatory amd Thirteenth sts. Also that the university authoritïes be allowed to begin, work as soon a said writteai perniiesion is filed with the city cterk. LOUIS P. HALL. E. G. MANN. A. H. FILLMORE. C. .MARTIN. On motion the report was accepted and adopted by a yea and nay vote a.s follows: "ïeas - Manu, Herz, Martin, Allmcndinger, Fillmoro, O'Hearn, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley.- 10. Nays- Jvone. M0TI0N8 AND RESOLDTIONS. By Alderman. Hall: AVlicrcas. Application havlng boen made to this tommon council to lay out and establish a certain streel hereinafter Uesrrilx'd and due ïunicc of tüe pendeacy of sueh proposéd iraiwovvrncut havlng been duly givcn' to all persons who are interes icd in .the kinds and tenements requlrecl therefor, and all persons appearing havlng .been heard, and due coosideration thereof havlng been had, and it appearing therefaxxm tliat it is neceseary to take and acquire certain lands thercfar. Thcrefore, be it resolved and it is nereby ar de red ajid determined that a street b: and tlie same is hereby laid out and eetablished four (4) rods in Avidth, in the city of Ann Arbor, described as follows to-wit:- From Madison et. to Hill st., on the Bnes oí ''ourth ave., projected southerly. 21. It is hereby declared and rasolved tliat the cost of the laylng out of the establishment of sneh street, and Otoo of the lands required therefor, be and the same i hereby ardered to be nssessed and levied aj?ainst the o.wners of lands, teneinents benefited thereby, and that all and singular all the lands, tenements, and taxable real estáte situated in and within the following boundaries are deemed, and hereby declared to be benefited by the improvement so ordered au aforesaid, and the same are and are hereby constituted a special assessment district om aprainst and upon which the cost of said improvement so as aforesaid ardered shall be levled and assessed puirsuant to law, that is to say; All of the lote, lands, tenements, and premises frointing on Fourth avenue, sooath of William st. to Hill st; on the east n.nd west side of Ann Arbor et.; on Brown st. east side; on Hill st., from Brown to 5th avenue; on Mosley st., north and south side, from Main st. to the T., A. A. & N. M. ■Co. lands. Aid. Martin moved that the resolution be laid on the table. Carried. By Alderman Martin: Reso'.ved, That the mayor be authorized to nomínate, subject to the approval of this council, some person to the recular pólice forcé of the city, for the purpose of thereafter etaüing such pereons as trunt officer Buch offices so appointed and detailed to reeeive Buch campensation for hia services as shal or may be appropriated and paid by the board of education. Which resodutiom prevailed as folloiws: Yeae- Alde. Mann, Herz, Martin, Allmendingw, Fillmore, 0'Hea.rn, Rehberg, Hall, Kits on, and Pres. Cooley. -10. Nays- None. By Alderman Allmendinger: Resolved, That the mayor be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to. appodnt for the term of one year, Charles J. Conrath and William S. C5oinrath, sp?cial policemen for the purpose of guarding the property of and comservdnK the peace at the grand opera homee in tJiis city, such policemen, hoiwever, to perform sich service without costs to the city, and aleo the city to be without liability For any neglect of diuty on their part. Which resodution prevailed as foliaws: Yeas- Alde. Mann, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Rehserg, Hall, Kiteon and Pres. Cooley. ■ -10. Nays - None. By Aldermaa Kitson: Resolved, That the several sume of momey paid for the construction and repairs oí sidewalk during the year of 1891 from the street iund in iront oí and adjacent to private property, ■with ten per cent. thereof added, is' set down on and eontalned in the Street conimisgioner's report of ii1(. Ka me now on filo, the and the same is and eacii of tho said several sunis of tnoney so paid are hereby asessed and lcvied on and against the severa! lots or parts of lots in front ov adjacent to wliich the said scvcral sidcwalks were reepeétfully constracted or repaired, as appears in and by said said report: That the city clerk do certify said several Bums of money so paid tognther with the particular descriptloa of land on account of the constructiooi or repair of sidewalks in front Of Avhich each of said soveral Hinii.s of nioney was applied to the city assessor, and the sald city assessor is hereby directed to assess the said several snms with ton per cent. thereof added so certified on tu-, tax i-olí of the city lor the year 1891 against each of said parcel of lands In front of which sald sidewalks were respectfully constructed or repaired pursuant to law. Which resohnion preyailed as folio ws: ïeaB- Akte. Manu, Herz, Martin, Allmendánger, Fillmore, O'Hèarn, Rehberg, Hall, Kitso.ii and Ins. Cooley -10. Na. vs- Nome. Aid. Herz moved that the petition oí Wm. R. White, patemtee of the ''New Farm Gate" bc denled. Aid. Martin moved that the rulos be suspended and Mr. White have the privilege of now being lieard. Carried. Aid. Herz'g motion then beins; put, prevailed as follows: Yeaw- Aids. M.iun, Her, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Bekberg and Hall.- G. Nays- Aids. Martin, Allmcndinger, Kiteon. and Pres. Cooley. - 4. On motion the council adjourned.