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The Unity Club

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The Unity club is out ior the season Wlth a program of more tlian ordinary interest. It consists of Jectures and papers ly Mrs. Mary A. Llvermore. Col. Sylveste Larned, oi Detroit; Ecv. Charles Fluhrcr, oí Grand Bapids; Bev. Camden M. Coburn, Drs. Vaughan, Mack, Martin and Jones, I'rofs. Adams, Dewey, Walter, dePont, and Freer, Messrs. Winkler, Hussey, I.evi and Whitman; Judge Harriman, Mrs. L. H. Stone, Mlsses Whitman and Goldthwaitc; Messrs. Janette and Fassett. Besides papers by theoe eminent peopte, there are half a dozen evenings devoted to music, art and drama. ■These entertainments 'n-ill be, ias usual, given on Monday evening. But in one particular the Club has deviated from lts usual eourse. Tickets for the entire season are to be sold for one dollar, while the admission price for those who have not these tickets has been put at fifteen cents, except in the case of Mrs. Livermore and Col. Larned, wheu it will be twenty-fivc oents. The entire arrangement must moet with great approval from both eitizens and studente.