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Memorial Resolutions

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Welch Post, G. A. E., liave passea the iollowing resolutions on the aeath oL Stephen Jacobs: Whereas, Death has again cntered our ranks and thereby removed froni our rnidst the oldest member ot our Post, Conirade Stephen Jacobs, thereKesolved,'That in the death oí Coin rade Jacobs, Welch Post recognizes th loss oí a wortliy inember, one who was a noble and brave soldier, faithful írlend, an upright and honorable Citizen, and a kind and loving husband and father. Resolved, That the sympathy of this Post, is feclinffly and fully extended to his bereaved family in this their nour oí deep affliction and sorrow. Resolved, Tliat the city papers ba requested, to publish these resolutions, ancl that a copy oí the same be preRfinted to his family. Committee.