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Deaths In Ann Arbor

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Roy, the six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Gooch, ol Pontiac street, ilied on Sunday, oí diphtheria. Mrs. Phoebe. P. Woodruff, wife of Peter D. "Woodruff, of Forest avenue, died on Monday of heart dlsease, aged 75 years. Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff tire -bota pioueers ol lis city and county and were inarried in 1S47. Tliei funeral was held yesterday afterjioon at the residence, the Bev. J. M. Gelston officiating. John R. Clancy, son of Mrs. James Clancy, of East Williams street, died Monday evening of lung trouble. The .deceased was a popular and bright young man, and was a student in the dental department. He was but 22 yeárs o( age and had been siek but a short time. The funeral was held at the Catholic church, yesterday morning. EmmaM., the wlfe ol John J. West, of Chapín etreet, died Sunday, aged I -." yr.Ms, of tumor on the brain, ïhe tañera) waa held al the Second Baptist church, Tuesday. Tuesday morning T. Dwight Townnnul died al the residence ol Chrlstian Schumachcr, on W. Liberty strest, of beart dlsease. At au early hour ha wrapped ior Mrs. Schumacher, who fouudl him sitting in a Chalí in great agony. She sent for a physician but Mr. ;Townsend died before lie arrived. The deceased was known to nearly o"erybody,i ín the city. Ho was deaf and dumb, but was a great reader and'always kept himself posted. He was '71 years of age and carne to Ann Arbor about five years ago. Dr. T. C. Christie, of Pittsburg, Pa., who married a niecc of the deceased, arrived here Wednesday and took bis remains to Kinsmann, Ohio, for interment.