The City's Valuation Again Rrised
The board ol supervisors yesterday equalized the ci,tii-s and townshipa in relercnce to state and county taxes. As usual the city of Ann Arbor waa fïiwn :a goodsüzed Increase, $204,000. The district of Ypsilauti was raised $60,000 and Sylvan was raised $15,000. Augusta, Lima, Pittsfield, and ïork remain the sanie as last year, white all tUe rest of the county was lowered in value. The committeeon equalizatibn was divided. The majority report was signed by Messrs. Young, Dansingburg and Burtless and the inindristy by Messrs. Kearns and Duffy. There was considerable differeüce, ïn the reports. The following towns wei-e raised in both reports: Majority. Minority. Ann Arbor City .M $179,000 -ra :::::: . !K2 pimflëid'.'::: o 59.000 Sylvan -m M'000 pgilanti City, Ist Dist 00,000 60,000 rork 'O00 The iollowing towiis were lowered iu both rcports: Majority. Minority. Ann ArborTown 02,000 H22,000 Brldgewater - ".000 .O0O Dexter 10-000 80,000 Freedom WO . Lodi l3-000 Ki'000 EEEE & as Teld ;;;;;;; ÏÏS K lu:::::::::::: 10,000 2o,oo Sharon - ï .0 Saline 20,000 15,000 i-psiTanUTown 30000 ,000 ïpsilanti, 2nd dist 8,000 28,000 Webster wu lowered $5,000 in the niajority report and increased $20,000 in the miiiority report. The minorlty report was defeated by a vote oí 7 to 19 as followsi Yeas- Duffy, Baumgardner, Forsythe, Kearns, Miner, Oesterlhi and Speechley. Naye- Bilbic, Bennett, Breining, BurtiLess, Ball, Case, Dansingburg, Depuy, Gilbert, Hughes, Howard, Hunter, Jedele, Osborn, Sweetland, Van Sickle, W alter, Weidinayer, Young. The majority report was then adoptcd. by a vote of 19 to 8. Under the new cqualization the city pays within a very icw dollars one-fifth ol tihB state and county taxes. The gtate taxea thia year are $39,610.03 n th ocounty, a decrease over last year, while the county taxes are $35,000, an increase of $15,000 over last year, when the board raised less money than necessary to pay running expenses. , During the ■week the board voted $200 extra eompensation to the prosecuting attoruey for collecting about $6,000 liquor taxes. Harrison Ruthrulï was i-e-elected drain comniissioner. Dr John Kapp was made jail physician at a salary of $35. Jacob Stark waai re-elected janitor at a salary of $475. , , , The Farmers' and Mechantes bank were made custodians of the county funds, to pay three and a half per cent interest on daily balances and to receive five and a half per cent. interest on overdrafts.