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The ice lias all 1 en shipped ■ a at Whil more Lake. The house o! D. T. Hall, of TecuniBeh, suffered $400 damage ).v Ilre lasl yreék A chape) ís to built on the end of the Saline M. E. chureh, more room bejng oeeded. The Chelsea fair was a success, enougli money being realized u pay the premiums. Dcxtcritcs have to hastie witli thelr suppers on Sundaye. Chureh now begins at eeven o'clock. Green oik is a "strong" townshlp. One farmer raised 1,000 bushels of oiyons from two ai South Lyon qotv gets an oxtra mail from each way daily, and is putting on metropolitan airs over it. Fonr hundred CUntonites slgned the pledge recently and Prlday evening thcy held a ratificatlon meeting. Fr'! B. Can-, son of the editor of the Duudee Keporter, was married on the 22nd to Miss Edith A. McBridc. The sportsmen of Sharon had thelr animal hunting contest, Thursday, ending with a gapper in the town hall. Greorge Wood, Jr., of Saline, has etarted for Australia, via England, with a lot of fine-wool registered eheep. A company is novv at work wiring Ypsilanti stores for electric light. They expect to illuminatc things by November 15. Chicken-pie must be a. favortte at Pinekney, $13 being the net profits of a social of tliis deacription recently holfl Hierin A school entertainment at Stockbridge, Tuesday cvening, had thirtysix p teces on the program, all for the sniall sum of ten cents. South Lyon claims the only roller flouring mili built on the upright plan in the country. It has a capacity of 200 barrels a day. The council of Clinton won't put galleries in the town hall, so the citikciis have offered to do it by subscription if the couucil will give ita consent. The eouncil at Stockbridge has requested Street Comniissioner Bush to ïrescaijt his resiguation. ííe is charged with liegligenee' and incompetency. The Luthei-ans of Chelsea want a ïiew clnirch and a start was made on a fund for thi.s parpose by a íair given in the town hall, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. John Jackson, of Pinckney, feil trom a stoop and broke lier. collar bone while visiting a son at Unadilla, iitly. A.s she i.s 75 years old, the accident is ;i serious one. Some of the poopïc living on the east side ofthe river at Ypsilanti, are taiking about au iujunetion mi tlifsi'ivortlioi'c. Better not. Seworn are hard things to get. The Hammond sale of Shropsliire. Bheep at Ypsilanti, last Thursday, was not a succesK, the prices being low, and the sale was stopped aiter about iifty sheep litid been disposed of. The term of Dr. Waite, whose sensational trial and conviction for a terrible crime at Brighton some years ago, will be out in a short time and 'tis said he intends i)racticing denfcistry at Jackson. , Mis. Uaura Roff, of Clinton, was noarly suffocated by cscaping gas from a coal stove recently. Slie was so far gone when help arrived that she had lost consciousness, and only prompt action sa ved her Hfé. The M. E. ehurch at Deiter carae ncar going up in smoke last week. On the morning' following their au-, tumn festival, the ladics lound that a lantern had fallen down, eharrod a window sill and scorched one of the scats. . 'Plie mcanest sneak on earth evidently lives at Milán. He broke into l hr J'icsbyterian ehurch, opened the Sunday-school birthday box, into Whieh the echolars had deposited about $12, and made away with every cent of it. J. P. Woodworth, of Hillsdalc, had a great piece of good luck, one day last week. He lost his pocket-book, which contained between $G0 and $70 and driving back seven miles fodnd it lying in the road, badly disfigured, ut the money all safe and sound. The A. A. & Y. St. Ky. company has asked permission to extend their line on Washington street, in Ypsilanti, but there is said to bc some opposition to the scheme, the company having neglected to furnish any great amount of eervice heretofore. As yet Dexter has no electric light plant, neither is she blessed witli that inestimable boon, water works; but walt, we seo a cloud not the size of a man's hand. What the outcojne will be only the business men and capitalista of Dexter can teil. - Dexter L'eader. The pastor of the Presbyterian ehurcli at Howell is a hustler. IJast Sunday, he íound that the congregation owed $550 and he preached sueh a sermón relative to supporting the j ehureh, tha1 $739 was foiind when the deacons had counted up the col; irctioii. Thomas Blliot and wife, ol TecumI seh, have jus: returned from a visit to the "Old Sod" and ii lam knos it l.' wlH liever take another trip across the Atlantic. He was in the 'big ■'i mi n' a ivw inoiiths ago, and was badly shaken up, besides svsick all the way over. D. S. A'arnum lias a poqkel compasa and sim dia! combined, whieh gulded ,-i deserter from the üritisli forcea al Quebec, a hundrcd years ago, bh'rough the unbrokeii wildérnees to Lake Champlain, where he wold it to Mr. V'arnnm's grandfatber. - Ypbilantian. Nothing like combining business wlth ploasure. At Whitmore Lake, Saturday evenlng, a .social was held at the parsonage and the infant daughter ol Kcv. Jennings wa.s ehristeaed. As a side issue arr&ngements were made tor i'aising the reverend gentleman's salary for the ensuing year. i we :ix' told that a certaln farmer just out of town is holding his wheat for $3 per bushei, and says that not a kernel of this year's erop will be sold beJow that. We admire lite grit but believe the sun will rise in the west be(ore he sells at that pricc- Saline Observer. Yes and his name will be writteu in the "fool-book" long before that time. The November meeting of the Webster Farmers' club wili be held at the home of Elisha Cranson, Nov. 14. The program wlïl be as follows: Select readlng, Mrs. A. Olsaver; recitation, Ernèst Cuehing; essay, Miss Mattie MeCall; questions for discussion, What can be done to secure a better mail service?" and "What can be done to keep hunters irom our farms?" "Charlie Potter, the popular milk vender, has a new and novel mode of watering lacteal fluid- simply by soaüdng the boyine in the well. L'ast Sunday morning it requjred the combincd efforts of several men, Hod Pulvcr'.s blocks and tackles, and a good pair of horses to rescue one of his 1400-lb welght eows from Henry Parmenter's well, where her cowship had managed to get about 2-i feet below the surface of terra firma. In making lier ascensión she lost at toast a pair of boots in the sliape of cow hide. - Dundee Reporter. The editor of the Dexter Leader must have enjoyed himself at a receñí entertainment, judging from the eestacies of the following: "The Autumn Fete, held according to announcement by the Epworth League, in the parlors of tho M. E. chürch, last Priday evening, was a pleasant and proiitable afíair. The decorations were beautiful. The parlora were draped vith a wreath of autumn foilage of tlie richest colors. A profusión of wild cierna tis entwined the pillars, and chinese lanterns added a wlerd look to thu surroundíngs. A Jack o'lantern peeked out ïrom a cozy nook and appeared to wink at tlxc jolly occupants of the long tables as they eauscd the nut cakes, cheese and pumpkin pies to dieappear. The musie was no inconsiderable part of the entertainment and in the song about pie it was aniusing to hear the bass laud the "big potpie." In the duck song the effort to quack properly overéame the youthful attempt to appear grave and the quack ruèrged into a laugh. ' To some the real event of the evening was the lifting of some oí the lieavier men on the tips of the fingers of some of the fairest of the fair. Each man in turn expressed liimself as feeling a queer sensation on being raised almost to the eciling, while one became niore emphatic than the others and declared that he feit as though he was sitting on a cloud, playlng a harp with one hand and eating honey from the other. One very pleasant feature of the occasion was the numerous and pleasant representativas oí each church society in the illage."