Dr.f.d. Clarke, Merrill Block
WEAK, NERVOUS MEÍ =3 YO0, who have been humbugged by the '■ Electric, Belt8,""Fe)lov. Jy ferer," "Craycn," "Vacuüm," " Nervine," ' Ij k UniinDiDIC Cure,"quacks, andwhohave found yourse!;' 1 vWk nUNUnAuLL ing worseacd v.orsc, You, who have rIvko ,.-fjr, wB despair payinEj, "lam doomed; there Is HO ■ . WW for me;" to you I say: OP, nd"SAVE TorBSEI.F! THKBK is ■ . ■ ' I 9(iff TIIKBE IS A CURE ! No matter what you have taken or who hns 1: ;■ .. f fKijMy to cure you, write me a " full hlstory of youi fEnBl andsendforBook(free) CIJPOCCCCHI nd Öuestlon Uut. wrH' Thonnds ('nred. oULuLOUrUL Fortj jer' eip i: VifMl : ;1 Consult the Old Doctor. -ZZZ. All PrlTte,Ker?pc ■ I t imi' 'JL CHBONIO D1SEASES of either sex skrllfully and successf ully treatf a , 1 u. í:íí- v. a care gnaranteed in every curable case. Married men or those al-u. ■ f -hES&ÍiIV mnrry, whq dread their weakness or ncapacity, or whose blood is ':■ bg Ks? with impurities tranamlBsible to offspring, should ""-sJH IP' consult the celebrated Dr. Clarke at once. TRCATMFÍ 'SSi W sultatioa personally or by letter, free and I flLH I ITlLi.' ■■■!3!dential. Medicines sent everywhere, secure from - - - . EstablUhed 1851. expoaure. A friendly letter may aid vou and direct you to health. Addrt;;. Cor.Woodnsrti & JdTcrsoalve., DetfOJt, Midi
F. D. Clarke
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus