Memorial To Rev. Benjamin Day

At a moeting of the official board of the First Methodist Episcopal church of Ana Arbor, held Oct. 20th, 1891, the following memorial was ordered placed on the records as a testimonial of the love in which Brother Benjamin Day was held by his fellow members of the board, and the church in which he had so long been a faithful and efficiënt member. It was also ordered that copies be sent to the family of th edeceased, and furnished; to the press for pubücation: In the death of Kev. Benjamin Day v: are ruade to mourii tili' loss oí one vvno has iong sercvd the ehureli oi' Auu Arbor aud the cause o fChrislianiiy wiih singular faithiulness, aud üi, is nii'et that the records of our society attest onr common sorrow at the death of our venerable brother, and our syinpathy with those who are; stricken with this great afilie tlon. Benjamin IJa.y waa born in 1807, iu Essex coimiy, N. Y. He was a son oí Rev% Stephen and Elizabeth (Wood) Day.' il.' reeelved a classical education in au eastern aqademy. In liS.54 li ! was ordained a minister of the Methodisí Episcopal church. His iirst cnarg'e, iu 1S32, was at Bloomííeld. .. J., Newark conference, uli ere he had a large congregation. He filled uiany important pastoral charges iu the east. Auiong them, Jersey City, N. J., and Milford, Pa. He was eider for eight years, aud was very successful in his ministry, and had a familiar and iufluential acquaiutance with the higher authoritits of the church and its ministers. He retained his membership in Newark Conference to the time of his death. During the 37 years of liis conuection with the conference, up to the time of his permanent retirment in 1809, he was compelled by over work to temporarily leave the ministry, to recupérate his never very vigorous constitution. April Gth, 1840, he married Miss Mary Tftylor, daughter of Moses Taylor, ot' New Jersey. Owiñg to ill health he was obllged to permanent ly resígn active duty in the year 1809, and With liis wife, removed to Ann Arbor, wliere they haMi since lived. Tlieirs was au ideat happy homo, the abode of Christian hospitality, and trom which radiated an ever widening Christian influence. Ii is but a short time siuce their many friends assisted in celebrating the iiftieth aimiversary of their wedding. He filled manyimportant positions of trust in the church chiefly in conference relations. He had suffered for many years from a chronic bronchial affection, which culminat-ed- after an exposure he died October 17th. His funeral h edied October 17th. His funeral services were held in the church, October 21st. 118 last attendance at the chureh was to deliver au address of welcome in. behalf of the chureh to our preeent pastor. Brother Day exemplified in a marked degree, the beauties of a character, developed from a cheerful, sanguine temperament, with a disposition of rare natural sweetness, refined by a devout Christian faith, and cultivated by the habitual practice of the graces of unaffeeted piety. In him the elements were gently and kindly mixed. He was interested and u-ell informeel ín public afiairs, and all that concerned the welfare of mankind. He was broad, catholic, eharitable and consistent. He had the courage of his convictions, and was unswerving in his adherenee to principies of right, but liberal and conciliating in non-essential forms. His character was unique in goodness; and so rare as to deserve special recognition. It is 110 dlsparagment to ordinsry men, to say that the barest unadorned truth as to the life and character of Benjamin Day, would be enlogy applied to the average of mankind. It ie given to but ■lew mortals as it was to him, to so unconseiously impress people as to receive tlic spontaneous respect of all who met him: a feeling which gre-w with aequaintance, into admlration, and ripened into veneration as years went on. It was a privilege to know him, and hls friendship was a benediction. In conversation he loved to dweil upon the interests of tlie chureh, and hi,y mind and heart seemed filled with the great moral and spiritual questions and interests that encompass our humanity. In his last illness he maintained the same unvarying Christian serenity of spirit that charactcrized his life when taking a more active part in the affairsT of men. His influence for good was of the sweet, persuasive kind, tnat prompts to nobler life by uneonscious example, rather tha'n by precept lalone. And the memory of liis somewhat rail body, with a face which seemed illuminatodwith a halo of Christian f.-üth, and beained with tender and kindly interest in huraanity, lingers as a pleasant picture of our Wend and brother. The example of suclï a character cannot but be an inspiration and a guide to all who feel the impulse towards a better life. To his bereaved widow, the willing and able helpmate in his long and useful life, and sharcr in his joys; and' to the family and friends mourning a common loss, -ve offer this testimonial of respectful sympathy, and our affectionate love for the memory of one dear to us all.