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Special Sale CLOAKS! FOK LADIES, M1SSES AND CHILDREN. Shapely, Stylish Garments. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Ladies' Jackets, $4.00, $5.00, $7.50, $9.00, and $10.00. Ladies' Capes, $10.00, $12.00, $14.00, and $18.00. Miases' Jackets, $3.50, $4.50, $6.00 and $8.00. Misses' Newmarkets, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 to $15.00. Fur-trimmcd Coats , Specialty. SGHAÏRER & MILLEN Leaders of Low Prices and Always the Cheapest. In'.'ilw'. irrrrrrTttTTTi,;;;., --rrv. rrrrr, ttt. n rrrrr. tttttt --.TT7?ñT7 MaNN pros. DEALEK8 IN Hair Clippers, Brown & Sharp - $3.50 Horse " " ■ " - 3.00 Cream Shaving Soap - - - .10 Horse Tails Strops, germine - 35 and 85 Turkish Cosmetic - - .15 Water Hones - ■ - 50 to I.00 Germán Yellow Hones - - 50 to 2.50 Razors (Hammer Brand) 1.25 and 1.50 Mug with Cream Soap - .25 MANN BROS., 39 S. Main Street, - Ann Arbor, Mich; IÑTEW" FIRM Huving bought the wood yard and feed business of GeorgeH. Hazelwood, 1 piopose to keep WOOD OF ALL KINDS Wood. Balea Hay and Straw, Flour and Feed of the best quallty, Charcoal, etc. Goods delivered to any part of the city. CASH PAID FOR CORN and OATS The flop wiil continue the truck business of O.H. Jones ns before. Orders by teiephone promptly attended to. im C. Giark, 33 East Huron St. Teiephone 14. One door west of Firemen's Hail. Health is Wealth! Dr. E. C.'s Nervk and Brain Thbeatment, a ruaranteed epeciflc for Hysteria, Dizziness. f'onvulsions, Pits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo. Wakef ulness, Mental pepregsion, Boftenlng of the Brain resultiiijr in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature 01(1 Age, Barrenne6si Loss of Power in either sex, Tnyoluntary Losses and Bpermatorrhoaa caused by overxertion of the brain, self-abuee or over-indulgence. Each box contains oue month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxea for $5.00, sent by raail prepuid on receipt of prloe. WHGIFAKANXKISSIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order receired by us for six boxes. accompanied with ÏTj.OI), we will send the purenoger our written guárante to refund the motu-v f the treutment does not effect a cure Quarantees ipsued only by Eberbach & Son, Drugglsts, Gole gcu-', na Arbor, Mich. $500 Rewardï WE will pnythcabove reward for any case of Livor Comphuiit. Dyspepsla, Sick Headache, Indigestión, Constipntion or Costiveness we cannot cure with Wefit's Vegetable Liyer Pilis, wheu the directions are etrictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never faü to give eatisfaotion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing HO Pilis, 3ñ cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manulaetured only by THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, 1LL. For sale by all drugttiets.