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Death Of William B. Ramsay

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The following resolutions were unanimously adopted at a meeting of the gradúate laws and other members of the '91 lave class: WnEREAs, It has pleased God, in the dispensationof an all-wise Providence, to cali to his higher rewarcl our fornier class-mate, William B. Ramsay, and Wiiekeas. We remember Mr. Ramsay as a kind and sincere friend, an earnest and attentive student, and one prfssessing many manly qualities and noble traite of character; therefore be it Resolved, That it is but just and fitting that we, the post-graduate law class and other members of the Law Class of '91, in meeting assembled, pay this tribute to the memory of our departed friend. Resolved, That, while we humbly submit to the Divine will, we mourn the loss of one whose life was a worthy example, and whose memory we will long cherish. And be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the near relatives of the deceased. and to the college papers and the newspapers of Ann Arbor and Detroit. T. J. Cavanaugth. E.R. SüTTOH, P. J. COSGKAVE, H. D. Jewell, T. W. 'Hughes, Committee. Mis. Scripture- "Rev. Mr. Glimmer hides his light umler a bushei, I think." Miss Yinny Garrlsh - "How wastfeful! A pint wonld more than hide it." A frtènd's help In your trouble ncver travcls beyond the point where it affects his own intcrests.