The Fall Elections
On Tuesday, elections were lieltl in a numbcr of states, the last general state elections before the presidental contest of 1892. The results in each state are given below. NEW YORK. The election in this state was a great surprise to the frepublicans whose organs had been claiming a majority of 17,000 for Fassett, based on estimates trom eacli county. Roswell P. Flower, dem,. was clected governor by a majority of 50,000 He gained heavily in the rural distriefs andTost in New York City, where his majority ivas 10,000 less than Hill's. In 1888 Harrison carriod the state by 13,002 and Hill by 19,161. The returns on the legislature are meagre, but it nów looks as if the Senate was a tie with a democratie lieutenant governor with the casting vote and that the assembly is democratie by a majorityi of two or four. If this is true, the democrats wtll have control of both houses of the legislature for the first. time in many years. HASSACHUSETTS. Gov. Russell, the gaJIant young democratie governor of this former rock ribbed repubücan state, has a plurality of 8,000. The vote is much heavier than last year. The legislature is repubücan, as usual. OHIO. The full vote was out in Ohio and was as heavy as in a presidental year. Ohio again showed that she was a epublican state, as she always is vhen, a full vote is out. McKinley's plurality in the state will about 20,000. The alliance party oply cast ibout 11,500 votes in a total of ,000,000. Hamilton county went xeavily repnbliean. The legislature s strougly republican in both houses, the republicaii majority on joint balot beiug probably 36. IOWA. Gov. Boies, democrat, carried Iowa on the heaviest vote ever cast in the state, by about 9,000 plurality. The egislaturei is very close and in doubt, with the probabilities that the Senate s democratie and the house republican. The other state officers are jrobably democratie. NEW JEHSEY. The democrats have a majority of 35 in the legislature, the largest legslative majority any party ever had in the state. No state, officers were elected this year. MAEYLAND. The democrats elected their governor and state tichet by 15,000 and made heavy gains in the legislature. PENNSYLVANIA. Iu this state a state treasurer and auditor general were eleeted. The repubücaii plui-ality is between 40,000 and 50,000. VIRGINIA. The demócrata swept the state for the legislature. The republicana íalled to carry but one county. The legislature is seven-eighths democratie. 3IISSISSIPPI. The democrat selectxd a heavy majority in the legislature, deieating the allianco and republicaus and securing the return of two democratie United States; senators. NEBEASKA. The democrats elected a heavy mastate. The contest was between the [republicana and the alliance, ovpf Supreme Court judge and the republicana won by 5,000. COLORADO. The republicans elected their chief justice by 5,000. The democratie candidate, Judge Goddard, is a brother-in-law of Mrs. fm. G. Doty, of this city. CITY AND OTHER ELECTIONS. In Detroit the republicans re-elected Pingree mayor by a plurality of 7,200 and a majority over the two democratie candidates, Miner and Thompson. The republicans elected thedr entire city ticket and the council. In Chicago, Cyman E. Coolcy, brother of Prof. M. E. Cooley, of this city, is the only democrat tliat was elected. He waa eleeted drainage trustee. The electlon was lor drainage trustees and county,commissioners. The republicans elected Capt. Belknap to Congreee f rom the Grand Rápida district by 1,000. The people' party poüed 3,500 votes in the district, drawn prtncipaUy Irom tiie demócrata.
Elections - State
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Roswell P. Flower
Lyman E. Cooley
M. E. Cooley