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The Catholic Fair

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The St. Thomas fair at the rink closed Saturday evening. It was as suceessful a íair as was ever )ield in this city and the net proeeeds will amount nearly to $3,000. The interest was sustained to the end and Saturday evening a very lively coinpetition for thfe buggy whlch took iirst prizo at the Washtenaw county fair, which' was put up to be voted to the most popular man in Washtenaw county, at ten cents a vote. The voílng iit the last was lively. The final result was Capt. J. P. Sehuh, 1,335 votes; Johu Eisele, 912; Dr. V. L!. Smith, 104 votes. Capt. Schuh received the prize. The following parties were fortúnate to draw articles of valué: Mrs. Mayor Doty, elegant oak secretary; MissKoch, gold watch; John Conlon, the horse; Mr. Muclilig, elegant rattan chair; Frank Masten, the cart; John Costello, of Dcxtcr, rattan chair; Miss Maggie Harrfs, of Dexter, large lamp; Mrs. Dan Quish, of Dexter, lawn vase; Fatheri Kelly, Mr. Clancy and Mrs. A. Meuth, each a guitar; Father Kennedy, oí Detroit, oak side board; the harness and large stove were drawn by, a party from Uodi. James Harkins, drew the overcoat; Sheriff Dwyer the! trunk; Mrs. J. Meade, the rattan chair. The flour, coal, augar, crackers and a thousand other articles feil to parties living in town. In another column will be found a card of thanks from Eev. E. D'. Kelly, the rector of St. Thomas' church.