
Frank Jackson is in business n Graylitiü. Mis. Moody is entertaining guest Hum week. Fire engines are being dlscussed vii greal Interest. Mrs. Taylor eloeed her school i L'ondon, Friday. Mr. C. Allen, of Ypsilauti, visite Milan, Saturday. Mrs. David Wardíe wffl inore to l: Iroil lilis weck. f Mis. Deíaforce and son yistted Nortu villc reía ti ves last week. lr. .J. Steidle and famlly are enter taining guests from abroad. Mr. and )Irs. (Yamllr rcturned íron tlK'ir vi8iting tour, Sáturday. Miss Millie Huchcock closed lier Fal term of school at Whlttaker, Friday Mr. and Mrs. C. M. PuITer enter taincd guestg from Detroit, Saturday. Mr. llarr.v W'hitehead is out on the Street asa in alter a run of typhoid fever. Miss May McGregor closed her Fali term of school in the Mead District, Friday. Rev. G. E. .Sloan and fauiiiy rntertained gueetg froin Adrián and Tecumeeh, Friday. Mrs. Whitmarsh and Mrs. Hayden drovc to Ann Arbor, Saturday, on a shopping expedition. Mrs. Julia Doxter Stannard, of Dexter, was th guest of Attorney Williams and famly, Tuesday. Mrs. A. Klnfear and daughter lgft for Kalamazoo last weck, wherc they will makL' thcir home thi.s -winter. Mr. James Gauntlett and family formorly of Blisatield, are moving into thes Mead house on East Main street. Ilev. Jay EJuntington leít for Detroit, Moiiday, to attend the Baptist state association, lie being one of the active members of the board. Mr. Bansom Kattge and family, of Saline, and Mrs. Waterman, of Liïncoln, Kansas, are the guests of Mr. and' Mrs. J. C, Iiause, this week. "Hallowe'en" was observed in the same old way, gates lifted, walks torn up and eigns changed. L,ots of laugh from young people and lots of "swars" from older people. Ilev. Mr. Swindt, the new pastor at the Presbyteriau church, has rented the. late Mrs. Lyons' residence on Wilr.. street and )i and his family wül soon be at home to thejr frionas. Mam-icd. a , the bride's grandparcins'. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ailsworth, iu Milan, October 27, Mr. A. .1. Shakespeare, of Kalamazoo, and Miss Gtrace MarAin, Bev. 3, W. McGregor officiating. "Died. ai faumee, Ohio, October 22, Mrs. B. Lyons, aged cighty-three yeara The remains were broxight to Milan, hor foriner home, for interment. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian chureh, last Satflrday, Bev. I. Mudge ofticlatlng. AVill Luxton, about li years of age, when driving into Milan Friday with a load of wood, was thrown from the load, falling in front of the forwanl wheels, the whole load passing over his bod}-. He was quite seriously hurt. He was taken into his father's house on Hurd street and a physiclan called. Som eof the ladies were out solicitating aid for tjie fire sufferers, Friday and Saturday. The citizens all responded ficncrcnisly, glad to have an öpportunity to slïow their sympathy. Mr. and Mis. Hill's wagon was run into Friday evening by a drunken aouple. Mrs. Hill and little daugliterwere ilu-own uñder the wagon, the child ooi belng hurt, buCMrs. Hill was brulsed alxjut the right shoulder and hip.
Marriage Announcements
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Frank Jackson
Mrs. David Wardle
Millie Hitchcock
C. M. Fuller
Harry Whitehead
May McGregor
G. E. Sloan
Julia Dexter Stannard
James Gauntlett
Jay Huntington
Ransom Rause
J. C. Rause
A. J. Shakespeare
Grace Marvin
J. W. McGregor
Mrs. B. Lyons
Will Luxton
Milan Michigan