Ruby Tabor is better and able to ride out.
Anna Schwass has gone to Adrian to attend school.
The Adventists had services twice at their church last Sunday.
Ed. Vannest has been in the rail road hospital for treatment.
Mrs. Geo. Russell entertained her sisters from Detroit, last Sunday.
The German Lutheran church at Whittaker was dedicated last Sunday.
Sportsmen are taking advantage of the quail shooting season in this vicinity.
It is reported that John Wilson has rented his farm and will have an auction in a short time.
The oyster supper given by the Ladies' Aid society, last week, was not a financial success.
Ed. Butts now lives at Willis in the house lately occupied by Albert Pratt. Mr. Pratt has moved into his new house.
The new seats have at last come and have been put into the brick school house, which improves its appearance. School begins this week with Wm. Derbyshire as teacher.