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Kuby Tabbr a betfer and ablo to ride out. Anna SehwasiS uaa gouo to Adrián to atl ead school. The Adventista bad stvíits, twice at t heir climvh last Sunday. Ed. Vannesi has been in the rail road hospital for t rea t ment. Mi'.s. Geo. RhsspII entcrtained her sister trom Detrlot, last Sanday. The Germán Lutheran church at Whittaker wa.s dedica tod Sunday. Sportsmen are taking advantage of tlLö quail liooting season ii this vicinty. It. is peporétd that John Wilson has, rented hia farm and will have ui auction in a short linie. 'i'lu' oyflter supper gi'ven by the Ladjes' Aid socieiy, last weck, was not a íinancial snecess. Ed. Butts now lives ai Willis in the house lately oecupied by Albert Pratt. Mi-. Pratt has moved into his ik'W house. The ne-w seats have at last come and have been put into the brick school house, which impróves its appearance. School begins this week with Wm. Deibyshire as teacher.