The brusque and fussy impulse of these days of false impression would rate down all as worthless because one is unworthy. As if there were no motes in sunbeams! Or comets among stars! or cataracts in peaceful rivers! Because one remedy professes to do what it never was adapted to do, are all remedies worthless? Because one doctor lets his patient die, are all humbugs? It requires a fine eye and a finer brain to discriminate--to draw the differential line.
"They say" that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription have cured thousands.
"They say" for a weak system there's nothing better than the "Discovery," and that the "Favorite Prescription" is the hope of debilitated, feeble women who need a restorative tonic and bracing nervine. And here's the proof--
Try one or both. If they don't help you, tell the World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo, N.Y., and you get your money back again.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus