No preaehing at the Baptist church lastTSumday. George Culver has beconie one of Únele Sanis pensioners at the rate of $8 per mnoth. The Baptists held a business meetng last Saturday to see about emïloying a minister. Miss Phenia Case left liere last Satrday morning, for the upper peninula, whfire she has a position as Cacher. Mr. Charles Liane is abuot building a house on some land that he owns near Milan. Mr. Miller does the carpenter -vork. ' Mr. Ai'diy Mclntyre seems t obe ahoail on the potato questiou in this 'ieinity, haring rnised 2,300 busuels f the tubers. The drive wella iliat are being j)ut own in iliis vicinity are seriously ffecting the olÜ flowing wells, soinc aving nearly stopped running. "Wedding presenta are mcntioned in the Bible," said young Mr. McBrido to liis wife as they surveyed thier own. "I didn't know that." "Yes; the Scriptures speak of rnarryingi and giving in marrlage."
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
George Culver
Phenia Case
Charles Lane
Archy McIntyre