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Proceedings Of Board Of Public Works

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Office oicthb Boabd if Public Wohks ANN ARBOlt, Oct.liil, 1891. f Regular meeting. Called to order by Pres. Keech. Etoll called and full Board present, A pc-tition slgned by Henry Eünger and thírteen other residente of tiu i ourih vrard, City oí Aun Arbojr, ask ing thai n sidi'walk be ordereii built ou tlie west side of Thlrteenth street trnin Aun to Fuller streets. Kcferred to Street Commissioncr and Mr. Mclntyre. By Mr. Keech. Resolved, Thai tli eStréet Commls'aioner s hereby antJiorized to aceepi employment, with all ni-cdful toóla and implemento, un the Atlilctk groundfi, for such perlod of time as ftecessary, the cpmpettsatiou reeelvéc to bi paid into tile City tri-asury. Whk-h rcsolurion prevalled as follows- Yl'um- Messrs. Keech, Schuil and McIntyre. Tlie nionthly repori of Si reet Comaüssioner Sutherland was accepted and accounts auditcd. On motion the Board adjourned.