3 OF ) Diseases which afflict EVBRY mankind are due to the FOUR ) disorders of the blood. in (vet, U the vital fluid is kept iu good condition, the tendency to any disease is lessened by tlirce íourths. A harmless vegetable i-emedy, -which cleanses the blood, should be takeu occasionally by every one. In the young, it assists in the development of the body and mind. la the adult, it helps nature to keep up the equilibrium of Btrength which is tased by the labor and cares of life. To the old and those ■with. the inf irmities of age, it is invallaable for its tonic and strengthening powers, 'to prevent diseases which are so often fatal to old people. This remedy is Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) It eheavs out all the germs and poison, and bnilds up the human ojrganism. We "will mail free a valuable book to all applicants. SW1FT SrECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.
Swift Specific Co.
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