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California Farm Products. Cost of Production: Net Profits: ftiven by a thousand farmers. Also hundreds of questions answered about California. Sent free on application to A. Phillips & Co., 104 Clark Street, Chicago, 111,. or 296 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Hangsterfer'S coNfectíoNery. Hot Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Lemonade, Hot Beef Tea, Sandwiches, Etc Ice Cream Soda During the "Winter. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. LOST- Either on Main Street or ononeof the Street care, Wednesday afternoon, a sum of money. A suitable reward will be paid upon at J . ï. Jacobs & Co's. 65-67 T70R SALK OR KENT- New house, ten rooms, P with all modern conveniences. on Forest avenue. Henry Richards, 9 Detroit St. 65 - 67 WANTED- A girl to help a pants-maker. Wagner& Co., 21 South Main St. öitt FOR SALE- Five acres on West Hurón Street. Good house, barn, orchard. Beautiful loeation. Wil] sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davis, West Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 64-66 MY farm at Scio of 200 arcres for sale. I have no boys that will work the ranch, andlamtoold to farm. If not sold bef ore the flretof March next it is to rent. Geo. A. Peters. 62tf TO RENT- Houee, just outside of west city liinits. Inquire at 72 S. Main street. OR SALE.- Farm of forty acres at Whitmore Lake, Mich. Good house. Five minutes' walk f rom hotels and post-offlee. Excellent eoil. Apply to Walter L. Taylor, 80 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mich. 59-tf TT'OR RENT- Two commodious pleasant tiats, -T with six rooms each in New Block on State Btreet. Enuuire at No. 18 South State street 66- tf. NN ARBOR NURSERT- Fruit and orna■mental trees. Peach and pear a specialty. Grape vineg, berry plants, etc. Pnce low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. FOR SALE.- A family horse, sound, g-entle, and in every way desirable for ladies' use. Inquire at Stark & Gartee's paint shop, 28 E. Washington St. 65tf