Mrs. Leonora Kelley died in Saline October 24. The Saline school has an attendance of 254. Henry Guumur, of Saline, is building, a large barn. Freil 0. Martty has opened i drug store in Manchester. E. B. Tyler (fell on the sideawlk in Dexter last week and broke a collar Done. Mrs. Ann L. Riekerson, of Clinton, died October 23, aged sixty-eight years. An Tpsilanti merchant exhibits an Egyptian mummy, who is very, very djead. j. AV. Jlarble sprartied hls ankle at thö Milán íire, last week, by jumping from a roof. Capt. Allen made three speeches in tho Grand Rapids congressional campaign, last week. Mrs. Betsy Lyon, of Milán, died in Maumee, Ohio, October 22, aged eiglity-three years. ( Bev. Jos. Swindt, of Greeneville, is now installed as pasto rof the Milan Presbyterian church . A large number of Sylvan farmers luive forbiddén trespassers aiid hunters1 from going on their land. There were 132 present at the Sunday (school in the Roberts district of Pittsfield, Sunday before last. Mrs. Eniiline Mitchell died in lin, October l'3, aged eighty-four years. She resided in Bridgewater. Chris. Webber, of Whitmore Lake, has purchased the Lehman farm of Henry Kempf, of Cholsea, íor $3,700. Dr. Watling has returned fro his home in Ypsilanti from Dakota, but hle( is still very weak from nis recent accident. The Woman's Relief Corps, of Chelsea, give an entertainment, November, 15, to raise money for a soldiers' monument, to be erected in the Chelsea cemetery. Milan's íire protection -now consists of ïour or ïive good ladders and a volunteer pail brigade. The village counil would do well to parchase the hand engine offered for sale by Aun Arbor. L. D. Ijovewell, of South Lyon, has purchased 66,000 pounds of wool this year. The largest load of wool taken to South Lyon this year weighed 2,46S poundw and was driven ia by J. R. Brown, oí Superior. The ".Manchester school boys and girls lia vesettlcd the nionientous question, "Is Marriago a Failure." Aiter ann animated debate they decided that it was not. Those contemplatiiïg matrimony may now breathe easier. Mr .and Mrs. John Rider, of Salem, ■werd thrown from their carriage last week by a collison with a runaway team attached to a lumber wagon. Luckily their injuries were not serious. The procecd sof the Germán Lutheran fair in Chelsea last week, were $263. A Toledo drummer, aroused by the fire which burned the Rice hotel in Hilan last week, deeamped in such (luick order that he leit $25 under his pillow. The bedding was saved and the scared and not festive drummer reccived his cash, which was ïound after the fire. Those who have raised fruit the past íew! seasons have made such nice profits that others have been induced to engage in the business. Mr. Kauschenberger has determined to set out an additional amount of peach trees and grapo vines, next spring, and has sold to Henry Rushton, south of town, 1,100 and to George Huber, west of town, il, 000 peach trees, tdbe set next spring.- Manchester ; Enterprise. On Saturday afternoon Chris Wurster, of Bridgewater, backed his team from .the hitching post in front of Kingsley's hardware when the neck yokel caught on the wheel of a buggy -the teams were crowded very close together on account of the large number in town- and the horses turned, upsetting the buggy with Chris undcrneath, then they ran, rolling him on the ground in a dangerous manner, breaking a rib and otherwise bruising and fscratching his person. The team wos captured before further damage was done and Dr. Kapp fixed Chris up. so he could be taken home.- Manchester Enterprise. - Uast Satiirday, James Hogan, of Bridgewater, and his hired man were which, for the peculiar situation the which, íor the -eculiar situation the two men íound themselves in, beats anything' on record. Each was driving a team attached to a lumber wagon, when the hired man's horses, which, were behlnd Mr. Hogan's wagon, started to run and overturncd the wagon, imprisoning the driver beneath the box. The noise behind them írightened Mr. Hogan's team and they also started to rnu, throwiug hiin out and overturned the box, with him underneath. Both men were boxed, and had the horses not stopped at once, of their own accord, thcy would probably have been seriously hurt. As it was, no damage was üone.- Tecumseh News. Tuesday night, while bcing driven through South Hurón street, Ypsilanti, two lat eteers belonging to Mr. C. A. Brown took involuntary refuge for the night in thc scwer ditch wherc It was 17 íect deep. In the morning they carne out nono thc worse for tbelr Lmprisoament, and skipped iip the street at a 2:40 gait, much to the amusement of obserrers.- Ypsilantian. What niight have been a fatal accident, happened to Mr. George Stevenson's dittle girl, three years old, last Tuesday. As she was playing on the Prospect street railroad bridge in Ypsilantl, she feil over the gutards to a distance oí about thirty feet below. She is evidently suífering from internal understand that no bones were broken. hSe is evidently suffering from internal injuries and it is still a question as tfe her recovery.- Ypsilantian Michael Stierle died suddenly Tuesday morning-, October 27. He was born in Wurtemburg, July 19, 1833. At the age of twenty, he, with C. Alber and C. Kalmbach, came to this country and settled in the township of Lodi, where he remained several years, afterwards he moved into Saline township, where he has lived 'till his death. In 1860 he was married to Miss Dorethea Burkhart, who has sinee, been a faithful and loving companion. As a result of their marriage, six children are lelt to mourn Ui.s loss, three girls and three boys, o'J wliicli nninbcr only one son is marïii'iL .Mr. Stierle, who is too well known by everyone to nee dkny extended remarles, was one of Saline's most promisiug and well to doiarmers. He was a man of high standing in the cominunity. His word, which was to him sacred, was always found jusb as he gave it, and when anything ini a business nature came before him it) ;was disposed of in a straight forward way. Honor was everything to him. For many years, and until failing health compelled him to resign, h has been an active trustee of the Lutheran church, and the society as well as the community at large will miss him. - Saline Observer. ' The Milan Leader, iu spcaking of thosei'vrho were burned out in the big fire there last week; says:"Chicago piuco lias got possession oï all the iire victinis. Wm Woolcott will commence business noxt week in 0. A. Kelley's building next to A. E. Putnam's store. M. M. Clarke will resume business as soon as a location can be secured. W. R. Needhani luis already established his bakcry in the front part of the postoïfice- in fact he was Soing business there within eight hours alter the fire broke out. Van Wormer & Loekwood nreré ..-utting meat in Blackmer'a block, Wcdnesday naorning, having fitted up while the remnants, of the old market were still smoking hot. - M. A. Palmer & Mrs. Clark have opened their raillinery establishmentr in the Cook house on Edwards strect, next to the Baptist church. Nelson Eice is now fairly settli'd in the Babcock Hotel, and the hotel business is going right on just th(í sanie. Miss Simpson is doing business at the old stand, although the olPdstaiid isn't as pretty as it used to bfe. The Gray and Palmer blocks will be rebuilt- substantial briek buildings - possibly right away; it is a little early, however, for them to have iully decided on their plans. Mr. Rice lias not yet deeided to rebuüd.
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Farms & Farming
Women's Relief Corps
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Leonora Kelley
Henry Gaumar
Fred O. Martty
E. B. Tyler
Ann L. Rickerson
J. W. Marble
Betsy Lyon
Joseph Swindt
Emiline Mitchell
Chris Webber
Henry Kempf
L. D. Lovewell
John Rider
Henry Rushton
George Huber
Chris Wurster
James Hogan
C. A. Brown
George Stevenson
Michael Stierle
Dorethea Burkhart
William Woolcott
O. A. Kelley
A. E. Putnam
M. M. Clarke
W. R. Needham
M. A. Palmer
Nelson Rice