Log Cabin Stock Farm
ggtPERCHERONS HP at AUOTION. Thursday, th of November, 1891. - atthe - In pursuance of the proprietor's purpose to reduce his stock of horses Xo the capacity of the farm to maintain, about 80 Choice Percherons will be offered for sale at auction, on the farm, on the above date.. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock noon. This rare offering consists largely of mares, bred to the great Fenelon 2682 (38), any of which proving not in foal may be returned for service, without fee, until in foal. Balance, StallionS, Colts and PillieS. Terms made to snit responsible parties. Strangers desiring credit mast have satisfactory references. For further particulars, or any desired information, address l W. Uïll Propr, QEQ. T, VAN MW top, Detroit, Mich.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
T. W. Palmer
George T. Van Norman