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Weak, Nervous Men

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- , " YOU.who have been humbuRged by the " Electric Belts," " Fellow SufJT -t. ferer," "CrayoD," "Vacuüm," "Nervine," " H fj k UminDADIC Cure "quacks, and who have foundyourselfgrov. V ,'x UNUnnDLl. ing worseand worse, You. who have friven upri L_ , )M despair saying. " I am doomed; there is no h". WfpÏL Wt for me;" to you I say: Bp, and SAVE TOl RSKI-F ! THKRK IS HOi'l ! fi aSP THERE 18 A CURE! No matter what you have taken or who has faili-d JÊY to cure you, write me a " fu history of your case 'jEnHBSS and send for Book (f ree) C11PPCCCC1II and Questlon Llt. # ?1 Thousands Cured. oUbuLOOlUL Fort} jert' experienrc. TYjÉi. ' "! rnanit. tht. nid nnftnr All Private, nertou ani Aïi,1 L CHBONIC DISEASES of either sex skillfully and successfully treated and J' dt"i, ïk. a care gaaranteed in every curable case. Marrled men or those abont to f sSfOlL'.aF' marrr, who dread their weakness or jpcapacity, or whose blood is loaü-Jd RaaB aMK ' with impurities transinissible to oCfspring, should 1 W consult the celebrated Dr. Clarke at once. TDt ATMf WT Wf&' sultation pereonally or by letter, free and I il LH I III Lll I -!mM%&+-dential. Medicines Bent every where, secure f rom Est&bliihed 1851. erposure. A friendly letter may ald you and direct you to healtb. Address OR. F. D. CLARKE. Merrill Block, cor.woodn.nujwreríoniTe., Detroit, Mich