lUnftil Julie ai' l891' UiJylkj Lansine and Northern Railroad. A.M. P.M. P.M, P.M. Lcave Howoll June... 9:46 4:16 8:15 Arr. HouthLyon,- 10:12 4:80 6:45 Tlymouth. .'.-.. 10:82 6:18 9;W Ivnuit 11:15 6:05' 9:55 Leave Howell Juno... 8:BU 12:38 6:45 7:27" Arr. L;inslng 1Ü:00 1:50 8:05 8:15 Urand Ledge... 10:30 2:35 8:32 8:40 Lake Odessa ... 11:10 9:15 ' Grand Kapids.. 12:10 10:15 " loniu... 11:25 3:45 9:35 P.M reenville.... . 12 22 4:57 10:32 Howarcl City... l;00 5:35 11:15 FMt train leaves Detroit 1:15 p m, Howell 2:87 p m, arriva at Lttnsing 3:24 p m. Grand Rapio 6:05 p m. Leave Grand Rapids(í:25 p m, arrive it Lunsing 8:18 p m, Howell 9:08 p m, Detroit 10:35 p m. Pa,rlor Cars on all trains between Detroit and Grand Rapids. Seats, 25c for any distance, ■il September 6, 1891. ifAICSLgO and West Michigan Railiay. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Lenve Grand Hapids.. 9:00 1:05 5:30 8:30 Arr. Holland 9:55 1:45 6:25 9:30 Grand Haven.. 10:37 3:44 7:05 10:13 MnskOfron ---- H:05 4O5 T::n 10:41 A.M. P M Leave Grand lïapids 7:25 5:17 Arr. Newayjro 8:52 8:49 - White Cloud 9:15 7:15 ltlgHapids 10:15 8:10 - Hiildwin 10:20 8:30 - " Lmlinirton via p.m. K, & p. M 2:00 10:20 " Manistre via M. &N. E. 12:10 10:15 Traverse City 12:35 10:35 ♦Daily Otber trnlnB wee1 only. FreeChair oari betweer MnniBtrr frave Gran. The ■ 'ii -" x" wrand Hapifis 1 'K Norttern MiCtliR' GEO. D.HAVBN, General Passenger Agent. FREDERICK KRAUSE, AUCTIONEER. WBJ attend to all sales on short notice at reasonanle charges. For iurther particulars cali at the ARGDBOfBce.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
George DeHaven
Frederick Krause