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lUnftil Julie ai' l891' UiJylkj Lansine and Northern Railroad. A.M. P.M. P.M, P.M. Lcave Howoll June... 9:46 4:16 8:15 Arr. HouthLyon,- 10:12 4:80 6:45 Tlymouth. .'.-.. 10:82 6:18 9;W Ivnuit 11:15 6:05' 9:55 Leave Howell Juno... 8:BU 12:38 6:45 7:27" Arr. L;inslng 1Ü:00 1:50 8:05 8:15 Urand Ledge... 10:30 2:35 8:32 8:40 Lake Odessa ... 11:10 9:15 ' Grand Kapids.. 12:10 10:15 " loniu... 11:25 3:45 9:35 P.M reenville.... . 12 22 4:57 10:32 Howarcl City... l;00 5:35 11:15 FMt train leaves Detroit 1:15 p m, Howell 2:87 p m, arriva at Lttnsing 3:24 p m. Grand Rapio 6:05 p m. Leave Grand Rapids(í:25 p m, arrive it Lunsing 8:18 p m, Howell 9:08 p m, Detroit 10:35 p m. Pa,rlor Cars on all trains between Detroit and Grand Rapids. Seats, 25c for any distance, ■il September 6, 1891. ifAICSLgO and West Michigan Railiay. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Lenve Grand Hapids.. 9:00 1:05 5:30 8:30 Arr. Holland 9:55 1:45 6:25 9:30 Grand Haven.. 10:37 3:44 7:05 10:13 MnskOfron ---- H:05 4O5 T::n 10:41 A.M. P M Leave Grand lïapids 7:25 5:17 Arr. Newayjro 8:52 8:49 - White Cloud 9:15 7:15 ltlgHapids 10:15 8:10 - Hiildwin 10:20 8:30 - " Lmlinirton via p.m. K, & p. M 2:00 10:20 " Manistre via M. &N. E. 12:10 10:15 Traverse City 12:35 10:35 ♦Daily Otber trnlnB wee1 only. FreeChair oari betweer MnniBtrr frave Gran. The ■ 'ii -" x" wrand Hapifis 1 'K Norttern MiCtliR' GEO. D.HAVBN, General Passenger Agent. FREDERICK KRAUSE, AUCTIONEER. WBJ attend to all sales on short notice at reasonanle charges. For iurther particulars cali at the ARGDBOfBce.